Chapter 11: ✌️

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Warnings: K+, and a dose of reality (I know I read to get away from reality, sorry)

A/N OH FUCK, I AM SO SORRY I COMPLETELY FORGOT TO UPDATE I SWEAR I LOVE THIS STORY (that's not true I have a love/hate relationship with this story) BUT STILL, I AM SO SORRY

The magic lessons continued, as did the war.

He's learning quickly, thank the gods. I don't know how much more war any of us could take. Though, as usual, the war continues. I guess though, the war never really stopped. Time does not simply stop when we want it to. That's the reality


Their writing trailed off, and within seconds the letter was burning in the fire pit


They stiffened in surprise and turned around to see Apollo's hazel eyes surprisingly close to their face.

"Uh, what's up?" She asked.

"Do you know anyone whos..." he spoke slowly, almost carefully "not straight?"

Sky smiled softly. They had been expecting some kind of accusation "Yeah, me...oh fuck"

Apollo tilted his head "You?"

"The term is pansexual. Some people define it as gender-blind, you love people regardless of gender" She ranted quickly. She paused, "you okay with that?"

"You're asking like you need my approval because let's be real, you don't care"

"no, no, I care because-" Sky looked up, Apollo was quietly laughing. They reached over and shoved his shoulder.


"I was joking" Apollo put his hands in the air like a fake surrendering. This was the most normal interaction they had had since the war began

"Anyway, I guess that's your answer. You okay?" Skye asked.

"Yeah, uh how did you know? I have a friend who's confused" Apollo mumbled.

"It started as bi, with no preference, then slowly I just stopped caring what gender they were. It's different for every person, and it's confusing as fuck." They paused, "Tell your friend queer is an umbrella term, and they don't have to use labels"

Apollo nodded turning away. "Thanks, Skye"

" problem" Apollo had turned away before he heard her response

A/N at this point, yes this is just a filler chapter, sorry

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