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~Raids are uncommon here~

i sat awake in bed. listening. from where i lay on my hard wooden bed, i could hear them.

the dragons.

or...dragon. i was never sure how many there were, all I knew was that I could hear dragons. the beating of wings was usually the first indicator I had that there was a raid beginning, as much as I felt it was a good idea to run towards the village and warn them of the incoming raid, id almost always get there late, and then just get in the way.

sometimes, living at the other end of an island from the rest of civilisation really sucks, but then again, not my idea.

i should probably explain who i am, considering I haven't done that yet.

my name is Elspeth Llywelyn, no last name. they could give me a shack but not a last name to go by, which seemed rather stupid at the time, but it makes a bit more sense now as I have no known family. when I was found on the shores of my home island, Enmiro, id been left with no indications of my origins, only a note signifying my name, and that the mother did not wish to be found. Llywelyn was, according to the chief, the name the note was signed by, my mothers name. sometimes, I wonder who she was, and why she left me here.

I'm short for my age, my eyes are greyish, slightly coloured in some areas, I have a faint scar that goes through my right eye, but it's never caused me any vision problems, I don't even know when I got it. compared to other scars I have, that ones the most noticeable when at first glance. the other ones don't have good memories tied to them, they're mostly covered by my clothes.

I sighed and got out of bed, though it was more of just standing up, as I don't actually have anything to act as a duvet. just another thing I never got. why go through the trouble of making me a bed, and then not give me anything to put on it..?

I staggered over to my front door, rubbing the rest of the sleep out of my eyes and taking my coat off of its hook. putting it on. the fabric draped over my entire body, it wasn't made for someone of my stature, most of the clothing I owned were the same; slightly too large and irritable. I pushed the sleeves up so that my hands were actually functional, and opened the door, shoving my feet into the mud-coated leather boots I left on my porch and breathing in the cool night air.

as I looked towards the dark sky, I could see the faint silhouettes of dragons against the stars, and like I'd thought, they flew towards the village much faster than I'd be able to run. even if I'd dragged myself out of bed earlier, they'd still have made it there first. I could feel the cold breeze on my face as I sat on the slightly damp grass outside of my sad, one roomed little house and I did the only thing I can do which I see as an actual feature of my person:

sit in one spot and do literally nothing while destruction ensues around me.

I wondered what id have for breakfast in the great hall after the raid finished. probably the same as any day; some bread and meat of some kind, if I got there early, which was very unlikely, then maybe soup. I like the soup that Malvark and Rulvarks mother makes, they invited me to stay at their house last winter cause it was too cold for me to get home, she's a master at cooking, she even gave me seconds when I asked for it. I guess those two are nice, at least not when they're with Ambar. i sometimes cant believe I used to like her, she's so...nasty.

Ambar is the chiefs daughter, no offence to the guy, he's swell, but he really should've taught her how to use her authority in a non-destructive manner. I've lost count of how many bruises I'd gotten from her cruel antics, my body hurts just thinking about how many times I've been tripped onto my face.

~ Adventures of Elspeth ~Where stories live. Discover now