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So much paperwork...So much paperwork. It just came out of nowhere. The rest of the team stayed a couple of hours over time except havoc who straight up walked out at the end of his shift. We were all sat down for so long, that we all ended up completing the paperwork on the sofas instead. I was sat next to Hawkeye of course. Mainly so she could make sure I wasn't skipping pages. (or burning them).

"Geez, why is there so much paperwork all the time?!" I complained.

"There isn't usually, but after being in hospital for a week and a half, you can expect this to pile up." My lieutenant explained with a tinge of tiredness in her voice that nobody ever got to see. Not even I have seen her get as much as a little bit tired. Or at least she never showed it. She always ploughed through her work with determination and speed that nobody else had. Seeing her visibly tired truly was something new. And not gonna lie, the way she played with her earrings every ten minutes bothered me. She never plays with her earrings unless shes nervous or somethings wrong. I tried to brush it off as best as I could telling myself she probably plays with them when shes tired as well as when shes nervous. But it still concerned me. As much as I appreciate her helping me so much with my paperwork, I cant help but feel guilty about making such a kind woman overwork herself to the point of falling asleep. It had been just a few days since me and Hawkeye got out of hospital. Something went wrong on an undercover mission and we got pretty beat up. The team saved us and arrested the targets. Just wish they had kept up on the paperwork as well. Some of the men remaining in the room began to yawn and pack up their things to go home for the night.

"We're off, Sir. Try not to overwork yourselves." Breda Said as he walked out the door followed by Falman. Feury stood at the door. I was confused for a second. He stood there at the door back facing towards us. as if he was acknowledging something from someone else. He quickly turned around again though.

"Oh, uh Breda just wanted me to tell you that when he says don't overwork yourselves, its mostly directed to Hawkye." I could practically feel the eyeroll from where I was sat next to her

"Ill be fine, Feury. Goodnight."

"Goodnight, Lieutenant." he called with his sweet little smile shining across his face. Feury's morale never failed to both amuse and impress me. He may be the baby of the group, but hes one of the bravest here in my eyes.

Soon enough, it was just me and her. Sat just two feet apart from each other on the sofa. Signing away and signing away and signing away paper after paper. I stared at the clock for a moment thinking.

-Maybe we should take a short break from this-

Noticing it had now been about half an hour since the rest of the team left, I decided it was only right to have a small break right about now. The last thing I wanted to do was overwork myself more than I already have or worse overwork Riza.

I picked up my pen to finish this last part of the document I was on when I felt a weight press against my side. And then a pen drop onto the rough carpet floor. My head slowly turned to the side and my eyes gazed on the precious blonde woman who had given in to sleep and rested herself on my shoulder. I don't believe she meant to drop asleep like that considering she still had documents loosely attached between her fingers and the pen was now on the floor. My eyes continued to gloss over her sleeping form. Her bangs had bunched up against my jacket whilst her arms fell limp by her sides as she slept. Her eyelashes fluttered ever so slightly as I assume she tried to wake up but failed miserably every time. I didn't know what it was about her sleeping face, but I just found it so adorable and beautiful. I always loved her really. Throughout all the scolding, paperwork and injuries, Shes still the most precious person I have left in my life.

-Yep, we're definitely having a little break-

I thought to myself. The paperwork was set down on the floor along with the rest of hers and my pen. My arms snaked around her back as I lifted my legs onto the sofa and gently positioned her so that her head rested on my stomach. My attention then turned to her legs which were still planted on the carpet. I lifted the rest of her body slowly onto the sofa with me, causing her upper body to rise up to my chest.

Once we were both comfortable(Presumably) my fingers intertwined with her short strands of hair that made up those perfect swoopy bangs. Her hair was so soft, I just wanted to play with it forever. So I did. Her clip came undone with ease and I began playing with her gorgeous golden locks placidly as I felt her breathing against my chest. One hand tangled in her hair and the other hand on her back as an embrace. Nobody except a few people were actually in the building right now. There were no worries about unwanted guests whilst in such a compromising position. Taking the chance whilst I still could, I lifted her thin bangs and pressed a small kiss on her temple. Just a little way of showing I love her.

About forty minutes went by as it was now midnight and Riza had started to stir a bit. I suddenly felt nervous as for what her reaction would be if she found herself like this. But still, I couldn't bear to move away from her. Or risk waking her up. Her eyes fluttered open slightly as I continued to stroke her bangs lovingly.

"Hey, Riza...you waking up now?" I spoke in a soft whisper. She wriggled slightly before looking around at the position she was in before her eyes moved up and zoomed into mine sleepily.

"Colonel...This is dangerous, what if someone sees us like this?" she expressed her concerns in such a calm yet worn out and tired voice, I couldn't help but find it entertaining. The all stoic sharpshooter sleepily cuddling up against my chest like a little baby. I had done some contemplating and decided to get her opinion on my idea.

"Its fine, Riza its like ten past midnight. Besides you've overworked yourself and fell asleep again."

"But sir..."

"No, Hawkeye...you need to rest for the night. I noticed you were fiddling with your ears far too much for me to be comfortable with earlier so I have no issue with you not wanting to come in early tomorrow like usual. But please, let me take you in for the night. Its the least I could do considering the amount of work ive put you through." I suggested.

Finally, after much protest, we were in my car driving to my apartment. I looked beside me whilst driving to see Riza asleep with her head propped up against the window with Black Hayate snuggled up to her. I smiled in amusement as we parked by my apartment building. I got out first before quickly walking around to the other side to get Riza. Noticing that she had fallen asleep earlier, I was prepared to catch her sleeping body as well as Black Hayate. The dog walked himself to the door and I carried Riza up to my apartment.

I walked through my small messy apartment with the worlds best bodyguard in my arms. I wandered through into my bedroom as the little dog pounced onto my bed. As I lowered her down into the covers, I began to remove any unnecessary clothing from her uniform that would cause discomfort. Her Jacket and her belt were removed along with that weird half skirt they make us wear and placed neatly on my desk. I also removed her boots and left them by the door. In the bathroom, I changed into my night clothes and locked my front door and bedroom door. Black Hayate excitedly snuggled up to Riza's feet as I crawled into bed and wrapped her up tightly but gently in my arms. I never truly realised just how much smaller she was until now. It made me happy to think about. I held her close to me and kissed her over and over again. On her head, her cheek, her temple, her nose and finally... I took in a breath and pressed my lips against hers softly, feeling the softness of her perfect skin and lips. A few moments passed by with my head pressed against hers. I closed my eyes as a warm pair of arms snaked around my torso and a pair of lips kiss my cheek.

"Goodnight, Roy."

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