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3rd person POV

The dark night swept Central city as Colonel Mustang made his way back from visiting the Hughes family. He had a great number of belongings to return from his office that should rightly go back to his wife and daughter. About 70% of it all was photographs after all. He trudged along solemnly looking down at the pavement thinking, remembering and visioning what he could have done to save that man's life. Not paying much attention to his surroundings, he didn't notice the thing that could change his life forever. It was hardly big enough to be seen or heard, but he felt it. The sharp sting in his bare neck. A mosquito? A wasp? No, nothing like that at all.


I felt drowsy, I felt sickly. Whatever just bit me must have been one powerful bug. I felt the area, but there was no swelling.

"Phew, at least it isn't too bad, but damn that hurt like a bitch. I better get back to work before Hawkeye ends up over working herself." I tried to walk straight but it wouldn't work. I blamed it on my emotions and the effect of the bite so I tried not to worry too much. But no matter how hard I tried I couldn't shake this feeling inside my head. I didn't know what it was but it felt like a craving. But what for? "DAMN IT! What the hell could I be craving at this hour? Coffee? Maybe. The only thing other than coffee I usually crave is sunshine so I don't feel useless!" I cursed to myself. I leaned against the wall and tried to shake some sense into myself, but I was caught off guard by strange voice inside my head.

"Hmmm, so this is the body my dear 47th parasite decided to infect. A lovely specimen indeed."

"What the hell? Who are you?! Get out of my head!" I shook my head violently.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you. It'll just make the pain worse for you." It spoke again. "Now then, lets see if youre actually compatible with me."

"What do you mean compatible? What the hell are you anyway?" I demanded. Suddenly but slowly feeling less woozy.

"Well you see Sir, I need you to help me survive. If you can drain enough blood for me that is." It echoed again. "Whatever blood you consume nourishes me through my lovely parasite implanted in your neck" It continued, it's sinister intentions shining through. What now? I go around killing people for this thing's stupid games? Will that be my life now? Serving whatever this monster is and kill people like Hughes and break the hearts of little children like Elicia and women like Gracia?

No! I refuse to let this control me.

"I wont let you kill people! Never...not as me and not as yourself either!"

"But you crave to don't you?"

"What are you talking about?!" I yelled back startling some passers by who ran away quickly. That thirst came back again. But why? Something about them running away from me, why did it make me so hungry? I hate this.

"Your mind might say no, but your body and hunger says yes...DRAIN THEM! DRAIN THEM OF EVERY DROP OF BLOOD TILL THERES NONE LEFT IN THEIR LIMP LITTLE BODIES! SLURP IT UP! DEVOUR THEM FOR ME!" It boomed inside my head. It had that annoying shrill and raspy voice that the Envy homunculus has, except more high pitched and annoying. I grasped my head trying to shake off this migraine.

"Ill never give in to you... as long as I live." I stated weakly.

"Don't worry, I only accept the sweetest and purest they have to offer from that lovely red liquid." It whispered. "And maybe if this turns out well, ill leave you alone." and with that, it stopped talking all together. The migraine stopped. I felt normal again. I heard the clock strike 10pm, so I hurried back to the office before it was too late. Not even rethinking what dreadful mistake I was making.

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