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I set the phone down. My hand was tense as I gripped the handle body... Something's happened, I just know it. I could hear it, feel it in her voice. The feeling struck straight to my heart. She was scared. Or at least nervous.

"I can't just stand here, I'm taking a late night visit. Better pick her up a nice vase on my way too." I muttered to myself as I drove down to the nearest store still open.

My knuckles rattled against her door as my other arm held a blue vase full of flowers. It was translucent with cute birds engraved into its exterior. After a few moments, I contemplated knocking again but the soft click of the door soon revealed her long blonde hair and gorgeous brown eyes to me.

"Colonel, what are you here for?" She asked her eyes making their way towards the flowers in my arms. It was then I noticed how she really looked. My constant Perfect vision of her in my head distracted me for a moment. Her eyes were dim and purple smudges lined her eye bags. Her skin was pale and her lips were stained red. Upon closer inspection, I could smell alcohol.

"Lieutenant, may I speak to you please? Inside..." I asked hesitantly. She nodded as I handed her the vase of flowers and stepped inside.

"I'll make some tea, sorry about the mess" she said and placed the vase on the table. I looked around at the sofa and coffee table. Two wine glasses. And a half empty bottle.

"Why are there two wine glasses if its only you here?"

"I have two hands don't I?" She replied in a tired tone. Something was wrong. She never drinks excessively. At least not around me and the team. We go out drinking every now and then but she never even orders over two drinks maximum. So what the hell was she doing drinking a whole bottle of wine to herself? And how many before this? She doesn't seem completely off her tits drunk, but... Its concerning.
"Do you take sugar?" She called.

"Yeah, thank you." I answered whilst still examining the rest of her apartment. She hasn't even moved in yet. Boxes lined the perimeter if the room. Bradley taking her hostage was the first time that bastard scared me for real. And it looks like something else scared the shit out of her.

She returned in a few moments with the tea and set it down on the table. Noticing the mess of wine and everything she started clearing it all up hurriedly. She darted back into the kitchen. I looked after her and saw her pretty much downing the last of the wine in her glasses.

Hayate had been taking a nap on Riza's bed and came trotting out to meet me. I patted his head wondering why he only just came out now. Hawkeye returned shaking slightly. She sat down next to me on the sofa and tried to smile.

"So, Lieutenant... Why didn't Hayate bark earlier? He's usually on top form when it comes to that." I chuckled nervously.

"He was taking a nap on my bed. I guess he didn't hear you or something." She sipped her tea. "Either that or he already knew it was you" Wow. Its like I couldn't feel the lies radiating off her tongue. I didn't question Hayate any further. "Anyway, what did you want to talk about? I told you everything was fine."

"You tell me a lot of things, Hawkeye. But this is the 0.1 percent of times where I know you're not telling me something important." I sipped my tea and she looked down. My hand rested on her shoulder and I asked,
"What's wrong? I know something's happened. I know you too well." She sighed and looked at me with those dull eyes that were once so full of colour.

"Nothing. Just stress."

"Don't lie." I cut her off harshly. She set her tea down on the table. "You never drink like this. Youre shaking and whatever's happened must have put Hayate in shock since he didn't even bark when I knocked at the door. Even if he knew it was me, that dog would have come chasing you to the door. But he didn't. So why?" Her face was a look of defeat. She knew I had her figured out. No ammounts of lies can fool me.

"I can't tell you... Not with words.  You're  hostage too now, colonel. I can't put you in danger right now."

I thought over her words for a moment. She always has a reason. And she's not stupid or over reactive. Maybe its just best if I comfort her for now.

"Fine... I won't ask any more, ok? But I'm not leaving until I've comforted you properly." She nodded lightly in response.

Riza POV

I'm glad he left it there. I got scared for a moment that he'd make me say every thing. Its taken everything not to let it all flood out of me. I could still feel it. Those tentacles of shadow wrapping around me. I still felt its presence. Hayate felt it too. I don't know how... But he was as scared as I am.

Its been a while since we've been together as comfort. Appart from Hughes's funeral, we haven't been in this position since ishval and before.

I remember all those times so clearly. I think about them when in lonely or need something to make me feel safe. I was so scared back then. We would watch over each other and cry into each other's arms and fall asleep holding each other.

And now, after all these years... His arms open wide and he gestures for me to move closer. It did not feel awkward like I expected. I was still shaking but frozen at the same time. The alcohol from earlier played on my head. If I hadn't drunk all that in one go, I won't think I'd settle into his arms so easily. Surely I'd object or something.

But I didnt care anymore. He made me feel safe. Safer than all the comfort those memories can give me. I felt his fingers run through my hair as my head rested on his chest. I felt myself drifting away until the lights went black peacefully.

AN: hey, its been a hot minute since I've updated but here's a new story for yas.
Luv yas all

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2021 ⏰

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