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That had been her punishment for entering the human world without permission. It had tested her very own will to live, not that her existence warranted her a choice in the matter. It jaded her; had she not had Izanami to keep her company, she certainly would have gone insane. She thought that her status as the carrier of Izanami would exclude her from such punishment, but she could not have been more wrong. If anything, her status only acted as an aggravating circumstance for her crime. Nevertheless, even after ten years in a cell, she still hadn't learnt her lesson.

This time, it was different. Yachiru had officially defected from Yomi. The moment her ten year ban was up, she had once again attempted to travel to the world of the living but this time, she was caught. She smirked to herself as she gazed down at unknown city she had arrived in, reminiscing about how it all went down.

The higher ups initially wanted to strip Yachiru of her Shinigami powers completely when she was caught - but found the task was impossible since the nature of her sword would not allow for anyone else to handle it. She had warned them beforehand, she tried desperately to tell them, Izanami would not allow for anyone else to handle her. The Shinigami designated to remove Izanami from her side had his left hand set ablaze upon contact with the sheath, completely cremating the limb.

With no alternative option left, and no punishment seeming to work, the higher ups resolved to exile Yachiru from Yomi completely. The large Kanji engraved in the skin of her once flawless back that read 'BANISHED' ached whenever she thought about it. On the positive, she thought it was worth it. Yachiru and Izanami were now free to do what they had always desired - to live amongst humans. Indeed, the woman's fascination with the species had almost been the death of her.

Dropping down into the busy streets, she walked with a smile on her face. It was quite a lonely existence; walking amongst those who cannot see or feel you, it was easy to understand how this could be considered a punishment. Regardless, the grin remained on her face. She had spent the previous ten years without any outside contact, a little while longer wouldn't do her much harm. There were clearly some people amongst the crowds with a knack of sorts for being able to see spirits, the odd few looks she received being shot directly at her being proof of this. She supposed her attire had stayed the same as always, and Satoru did always point out how weird and ancient her clothes were, alongside the fact that she carried a literal sword in the twenty-first century.

Ah, yes, Satoru.

How could she forget, even if it was just for a moment?

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