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The chatter within the small room echoed off of the walls. She stirred in her sleep, a blank expression pliantly resting on her features as she slowly opened her eyes.

She felt numb yet agitated, insensate, but not indifferent.

After all, the room seemed to be filled with gaiety. With every giggle or chuckle that dared reach her ears, she could feel her skin crawl.

Was she the only one taking this seriously?

Why were they acting so flippant? She had clawed her way back from hell and fought to reach the two; only to find that they were completely fine, seemingly having a good time.

For a moment, she supposed that she would have rather found them in some sort of trouble. For just a second, she wished to see them in a similar state as herself.

She shook her head as she rose from the bed, pinching the bridge of her nose as she stood on her own two feet.

"Yachiru! You're awake!" She heard Itadori yell from behind her. 

Yachiru was on borrowed time. She did not have even the slightest wish to engage in pleasantries. Catching up? In this state? It wasn't on the cards. She didn't have the will to entertain them with the details of her travels.

She intended to cut straight to the point and didn't fail to commit to this, "There's something I need to confirm." She didn't bother to face the group as she spoke. "The resurrected curses, they are a product of Kenjaku's abilities as opposed to being an element of the curtains inherent properties..." She paused for a moment, "Is that correct?"

"Yes, that's right." Megumi responded, immediately noticing that something was off with his teacher.

"If that's the case..." She thought for a moment, "Kenjaku is probably somewhere outside of the culling game."

"This must be the teacher you told us about!" A white-haired girl commented, the unfamiliar voice prompting Yachiru to turn around.

She stared blankly, not interested in making any introductions.

"Oh yeah! Yachiru, this is Angel – the curse user we've been looking for." He beamed at the older woman, "Her ability will allow us to free Gojo from the prison realm!"

"I see." She said, fully turning towards the group. "So what are we doing standing around?" Her tone was slightly accusing; a quirked eyebrow symbolised her curiosity.

Her question stymied them. An uncomfortable silence.

"Seriously, why are we waiting around? We can go find him right now." Her agitation was starting to slip away, replaced with feelings of excitement and impatience; almost like a child waiting for a birthday gift.

"The thing is, Yachiru, we have to help Angel with something first!" Itadori said nervously, scratching the back of his head.

"And what might that be?" She asked, her previous anticipations having been shot dead in their tracts. "Why would you agree to that? You can just force her." The harsh words slipped out of her mouth with too much ease.

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