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...after almost three full days of using his technique non-stop, he finally felt at rest upon entering the barrier of Jujutsu High. As the group stood at the foot of Mount Mushiro, he finally released his technique after deciding the mission was more or less complete.

"We can take it easy for a bit now, we're inside Jujutsu Tech's barrier." He breathed, the tiredness showing on his face. Yachiru wondered why he seemed so fatigued, but did not question it.

"WHAT A RELIEF!" Riko yelled, throwing a fist in the air in enthusiasm. How could she be so excited about something like this? Perhaps it was a front, or a coping mechanism for what was to come.

"No more babysitting..." Gojo muttered half seriously, this mission had really taken a toll on him. He was worn out, a disadvantage of his infinite technique, allowing him to slow down all time and space surrounding him. Using it for a few hours was tiresome enough, but days on end was another story.

As the duo were offering their thanks to the group, She caught something in the corner of her eye, her senses springing into action when Satoru's could not. Her thumb flicked up the guard of her sword, pushing it out of it's sheath. She clashed with an incredibly large man, the force of his katana pushing down on her own creating a small crater at her feet. He was only using one hand, whilst she struggled using both of her own. He looked to be almost twice her size. The scar scratching down the right side of his mouth was the first thing she noticed, his dark messy hair, and eyes that screamed pure egoism.

"Hey mister. You're strong." She said through gritted teeth, forcing a smile on her face as she successfully parried his sword away from her.

The mysterious man - who would be eventually known as Toji Fushiguro - did not even look at her. His eyes were trained on her white-haired companion, looking straight through her. It then occurred to her; she could not feel even a tinge of cursed energy from this man.

"I thought I'd wait until you were worn down before striking." He admitted, his plan failing because he failed to account for Yachiru's presence. He could sense something was stopping him, but he could not see what it was. It was curious indeed, but he had no time to quarrel with something that was not his target. Geto quickly sprung into action, using one of his largest manipulated cursed spirits to devour the male wholly.

"You guys get Riko to Tengen. I'll hold him off." Gojo said, turning his back on the group. "This won't hold him off for long."

Geto looked worried for his partner, the urgent look on his face being a tell-tale sign. "Don't let your guard down." He said, before taking off with the rest of the group.

"Who do you think I am?" His smile was so confident, as if he had already acclaimed victory. Yachiru frowned, unsure of what to do. "Yachiru, please go with them. I don't want you to get caught up in any of my attacks."

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