20: Relaxation

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Looking around you try and get up but can't. Clem is wrapped around your waist. It starts to hurt a lot because she's holding onto you tightly. It's a little sunny out while the birds are chirping. Today your gonna take it easy, you and Clem have been through a lot. Your relationship is a tad wishy washy but that's expected with all the trauma you have been through together in the short time. Clem starts to move around, she groans and gets up.

Clem: *yawn, hey bub

You: Mornin Clem

Clem: I just want to have a normal day, full of nothing.

You: Me to Clem, I can tell it's been taking a tole on us both

Clem: Yeah, I've been a kinda of an ass to you recently and I feel bad because of it.

You: It's fine, it's hard to bond together without getting stressed out with all this shit going on.

Clem: Thanks for understanding, how you feeling?

You: I feel tired, and just worn out, you?

Clem: I feel the same way. I just want some relaxation time, together.

You: Feels like we haven't had enough of that. Last time we really bonded well together was that date.

Clem: And I went ahead and fucked it all up after.

You: Don't make me pity you. Look Clem it's all in the past. I'd rather not bring up past things about us that don't need to be brought up.

Clem: Yeah, sorry.

You: Now, let's actually have a normal day.

You hold your hand out for Clem to take. She grins with her goofy smile and places her hand in yours. You start to get up until you stumble and lean yourself against the bed frame.

Clem: I wonder if our rooms clean.

You: Yeah.. I can barely walk this sucks.

Clem: Me too, we might both need crutches.

You: Sword fighting with crutches

Clem: Kinky.

She elbows you in the side. You both chuckle a little.

You: Alright alright, what do you want for breakfast?

Clem: Stew stew and uh more stew.

You: Well it should be ready. I'll go grab it.

You walk over to the cafe. Omar serves you the stew. Walking over to Clem you hand her the stew as you side down beside her.

Clem: Thanks Y/N. It's good stew but it's the same thing every day

You: Well at least it's better than not eating.

Clem: Yeah I've come so used to staying in places with lots of food.

You: Well we may be homeless pretty damn soon.

Clem: Don't say that.

You: Well I hope we make it, but with the size of that delta army.

Clem: What's even the plan for it?

You: Honestly, I kinda want to ditch this place and me you Kenny, AJ, Brooke and Troy can be a little group. These people have done nothing for us.

Clem: Ruby's done a lot but that's it. And I don't see her leaving.

You: Yeah.. I feel bad for leaving them but I think we should say that we're leaving.

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