Chap 1

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At a young age Tanjiro knew he was a demon because of his sharp teeth and his claws, but he never liked the smell of blood or the taste of human flesh.
He never ate and only slept it off, the first time he tried blood it tasted very nasty to him and spit it out making a big deal out of it and saying he was dying then he fake died for 20 minutes.

Because of his families ability's he was able to walk in the sun like every normal human would, because of that everyone thought that he was a human, his younger siblings did not know he was a demon and his family was planning on keeping it that way.

His father knew he was dying so he taught Tanjiro the Sun breathing style.
It was easy for Tanjiro to learn it because he was the one who got the mark on his head.

Tanjiro found of his Demon blood powers at a young age.
It was the power to heal, all he had to do was lick someone's wound where the blood is then it would heal.
But after that Tanjiro would spit out the blood because its nasty —.—


To the story


Tanjiro picked up his basket full of coal and put it on his back, ready to go down the mountain to get money to feed his family.
It has been a year since his father passed away leaving him to do everything to support his family, even though demons are supposed to not care about their family's he still loved them.

"Tanjiro are you sure you want to head down the mountain in such weather?" Tanjiro' s mother asks well walking up to him

"Ill be fine don't worry about me" Tanjiro says with a smile

"Alright I'll just tell you your siblings are on their nap" The mother says well walking in the house.

Tanjiro goes down the mountain and sells his coal (you know the story, ima just skip to the family dying -.- )


Tanjiro walked up the mountain only to smell the thing he hated most...


Tanjiro quickly ran up the mountain hoping everyone was okay and safe, but when he got there he saw that they were not.

He saw his families dead body's together, he quickly went around trying to find a pulse but then he felt that Nezuko was still breathing, but barely.
Tanjiro sighed as he looked at his families dead bodies and felt sad for them, It was hard for him to feel sad due to what he is.

Tanjiro knew that his sister was becoming a demon because she was still alive, Tanjiro sighed as he walked to the shed behind his house and grabbed a shovel out of the shed, and went to the side of his house and started digging holes for his family members.

But what he did not know was that there was a demon slayer watching him dig the holes.

After he was done with the holes hen went back to where his families corpses were to put them in their holes but then he saw his sister Nezuko start to twitch, Tanjiro noticed and ran in the house, over the bodies of his family members and all the blood like he did this every day, he got a piece of bamboo and tied it to a cloth to make a muzzle.

He went outside to find his sister start to sit up, but then he noticed a demon slayer next to a tree close by watching them.

He took notice of his yellow hair with red at the tips of some of his hair and had wide eyes that looked like the sun, Tanjiro did not really mind him because he had other things to do, like muzzle his sister.

Tanjiro walked to his sister at the cornor of his eye he saw the blond guy tense but he did not care.

His sister started to get up ready to attack her brother but then Tanjiro kicked her down then put the muzzle on her and hit her in the neck with his hand to make her pass out.

He turned to the direction of the blond guy to see him confused of what Tanjiro did.

"Hey are you going to stand there or help bury my dead family member's corpses" Tanjiro says casually like he does this everyday which confused the blond guy.

"Oh um sure" The blond guy says well walking up to tanjiro confused on how he knew he was there.

"Your sent smells confused why is that?" Tanjiro asks the blond guy as he picks up his dead mother's body

"I'm wondering why you are not freaking out about your family's death" The blond guy says to Tanjiro.

"Oh, thats because for some reason us demons don't feel that sad for some reason" Tanjiro says well placing another dead body in a hole.

"Wait your a demon?!?" The blond guy asks confused as he puts his hand on the handle of his sword.

"Yes I am but I'm what you could call a friendly demon, I'm more human then demon in my opinion" Tanjiro says well putting the last body in the hole

"Why is that?" The blond guy asks still tense

"I have never eaten a human and blood smells gross to me and I can walk in the sun light" Tanjiro explains to the blond guy as he puts dirt over his family's bodies

"That's cool I have never heard of a demon doing that, Oh by the way whats your name?" The blond guys asks

"My name is Tanjiro, what is your name?"

"I'm Rengoku I'm the fire piller" Rengoku says well pointing at himself

"Cool anyways you smell of blood because you helped me you can go take a shower in my house if you want." Tanjiro says well picking up a sleeping Nezuko

"Really thanks but if you try anything I won't hesitate to kill you" Rengoku says well walking to the opening of the house

"Oh please I'm the most harmless demon in the world I bet" Tanjiro says (He cant really fight without a sword the best he can do is scratch)

"Alright if you say so" Rengoku says well walking into the house leaving Tanjiro outside

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