Embers, Part II

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Skylor's POV

I raced down the uneven cobblestones, nearly stumbling every couple of steps. My hands clutched my skirt, and I cursed the fact that it was so long. Rain poured down, drenching my hair and clothes, and the muddy water splashed up every time I ran through a puddle. It wasn't that I couldn't see them, but at this point I no longer cared that my shoes were getting soaked.

Panting, I squinted through the wet hair falling over my face to try and find it. The night was quiet, as everyone had retreated into their homes. I shivered slightly, feeling the goosebumps rising up all over my arms. Maybe I should've been smarter and worn something with long sleeves when I ran out, but now it was much too late to turn back.

The streetlamps cast eerie shadows to my right that I tried my best to ignore. I just needed to focus on getting to my destination: the blacksmith shop. Doing this was reckless of me, and I understood that, but I hadn't been able to think straight. Kai was the only person I wanted to see right now, and I knew he would be willing to take me in.

A smile spread across my face as an image of him slowly formed into my mind, but a few more shudders reminded me of what I was trying to do. I lifted a hand up to wipe my hair off my face and squeezed out a handful of water. That's when I finally saw the symbol.

I collapsed onto the door and pounded against it with my fists. Someone spoke inside, the voice too muffled for me to hear. It opened, revealing an older man who I assumed was Kai and Nya's dad, Mr. Smith, and I staggered a bit before steadying myself.

"Skylor?" Kai stood up from his spot at the dinner table and rushed to my side, not even caring that I was wet and dirty. Nya hurried off to the bathroom.

"Kai... who's this?" a woman, probably his mom, said.

He flushed slightly and led me in. "I guess I should tell you guys," Kai mumbled sheepishly, "This is Skylor Chen, my, uh, girlfriend."

"Wait, Mr. Chen's daughter?" his dad asked as he slowly closed the door behind me.

I nodded, and Nya rushed back with a towel that I gratefully accepted. Kai's parents exchanged a surprised look, then turned back to me.

"How long...?" the woman asked, blinking several times.

"A little over a year now," I said sheepishly, feeling my face grow warmer despite the fact that I was still freezing. Kai led me over to a rug next to the fireplace and pulled me into him. I finally relaxed, feeling like I could breathe again.

"And Nya... you knew?" Mr. Smith turned to his daughter, and she nodded.

"I mean, I only found out like six months in, but yeah," Nya admitted.

"Well then," Mrs. Smith said, "How can we help you, uh... Miss?"

"You can just call me Skylor," I said, still shaking a little. "I'm really sorry I came, it was a rushed decision and... I didn't know where else to go."

"Did something happen?" Kai asked softly, cupping my face in his palm and turning it towards him. My heart began racing and I found myself putting most of my weight onto his body. Kai was so warm...

"I... my dad... he..." I stammered, unable to form phrases. My heart jumped into my throat, making it hard to speak. Kai took a corner of the towel and gently wiped my wet face with it.

"Hey, hey, hey," Nya said, walking over and putting a hand on my shoulder, "It's gonna be okay."

"Is there anything we can do to make you feel better?" his mom asked from behind us. "Do you want something to eat?"

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