Embers, Part I (TJC Kailor)

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Kai's POV

Taking a deep breath, I stepped up to the front door of the giant mansion in front of me, silently cursing my dad for making me do this delivery for him. The straps of the basket I carried on my back sank into my shoulders, and I could've sworn it was going to leave a mark. I grimaced and set it down on the stone steps, then did a few stretches, cracking my back. Ha, looks like I was already getting old. At this rate I'd be going to the grave soon.

I grabbed the metal knocker and struck it against the door. My tongue and throat felt dry, and I recalled a river I'd passed earlier on my twenty minutes' walk here. Once I got rid of this load, I could go and take a sip. Even the amazing Master of Fire needed water sometimes.

The door creaked open, revealing a girl about my age with bright red hair and large, gorgeous amber eyes. My breath temporarily hitched in my throat as I took in her face.

"Oh hey," I said, putting on my most charming smile and wishing I was wearing something other than that sooty apron.

She smiled a little, and after taking one look at her outfit, I realized she must be Mr. Chen's daughter and dropped the facade. He was the wealthiest merchant/landowner for miles around, so forget flirting.

"Did Mr. Smith send you here?" the girl asked, eyeing me with curiosity. Even though her hair was neatly combed, some strands were falling over her face, and I resisted the urge to tuck them behind her ear. The last thing I wanted was for my dad's client to accuse me of assaulting his daughter.

"I volunteered, since I figured I wanted to go for a walk today," I fibbed, for some reason not wanting to tell her that I was the blacksmith's son, "You know, like a good neighbor."

"That's sweet," she said, chuckling softly, "My dad isn't at home today, so I guess I'll just take these in."

"Whoa whoa whoa," I said just as she reached over, "These are heavy. Where are you gonna take them?"

The girl laughed a little. "I'm just gonna drag them inside. Not far. I can handle it."

"You sure?"

She frowned. "Yes. Do you mind stepping over for a sec?"

I grudgingly did as was asked, not wanting to leave just yet. The girl picked up the basket easily, much to my amazement, and set it next to the wooden couch. "Do you have water? I'm kinda thirsty, after the long walk and all."

"Oh, I'll get some for you," she said, and before I could respond, hurried out of sight.

Okay, fine, maybe it was a good thing she still wouldn't get the hint and just let me go in. After all, I was poor.

I leaned against the doorframe, waiting for her to return. She did soon enough, and I couldn't help but grin at her eagerness to help. When the girl passed over the dainty-looking ceramic cup, I reached out, my fingers lightly grazing hers. She jumped, and I barely caught the cup before it fell to the ground, but spilled water all over her in the process.

I braced myself for her to yell at me.

"Oh shoot, I'm such an idiot," she said with a laugh, and I stared at her, confused.

"I-I'm sorry, m-miss," I burst out, barely able to string two words together. Just great, if she told Mr. Chen... He and Dad would be chasing me down the streets waving cleavers.

"It's not your fault," the girl replied, stepping past me out into the front yard and shaking her hands. "I kinda... uh..." She turned back to me and met my gaze, blushing slightly, making my stomach suddenly feel all jittery inside. My hand jumped to my hair and I messed it up again, not knowing what else to do. It came out slimy from all the sweat. I tried to hide my disgust.

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