Obligation (I)

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A/N: Here's another AU where the Ninja are ninja but their identities are kept a secret, even from each other. I have written a decent amount and have some motivation to continue so I guess I'll post it lol, one POV at a time since they're each about 2.5k words long

Anyway, hope you guys enjoy!


"I found the hostages in the basement under the third storage unit," Earth announced through the commlink, "Everything is locked and I can't find a way in. I need backup."

"Ice, you're the closest, so go over," Energy replied at once, "I've located the deliveries in the East Wing. Water, Lightning, meet me in the main courtyard so we can prepare to round up all of Chen's followers. Speaking of whom, Fire, any luck in finding him?"

"Still working on it," I sighed, wishing I was assigned to something else, "I've scoured the entire west side of the island, including the secret passageways, but I haven't found any sign of him."

"Keep working on it, then. Chen's definitely still here, our radars haven't picked up any signs of someone leaving," he said, "Good luck."

I muted myself by tapping my ear with one finger and crouched on the roof of one of the residential buildings, groaning at my decision to take on this task. Compared to all the other things we had to do when given orders to infiltrate and shut down Hui Chen's illegal human trafficking and black market organ trading empire, this one had seemed relatively straightforward. I hadn't realized I'd be running around and through the island for hours to no avail.

None of the others had reported spotting him either, which really started to frustrate me. Our spy had told us that he was present when we arrived, but nobody had seen him since. Maybe Chen saw this coming and had prepared a hiding spot.

Despite the mess that was happening on the eastern side of the island, this area was virtually undisturbed, with servants walking about as if it was just another day. The residential area was built like a palace with a whole garden, beach, and walls surrounding it, and from what I knew, it was only reserved for Chen, his daughter, and select individuals who held high ranking positions in his "business." Everyone else lived in a nearby village, which had been completely empty when I went to inspect it earlier.

Given what we knew about Chen, he loved luxury and theatrics, so while all his minions were busy trying to escape from us, he was likely indulging in pleasure, and the only part of the island where he could realistically do that was here. My teammates were covering the rest of the island, anyway, so I'd spent almost my entire time sneaking around the residential area. Not that this was an easy task; the whole place took up about a third of the entire island.

I silently jumped from the roof onto one of the balconies to search the building again. Thankfully this time, Ice had already hacked into the security system so there was no need to avoid the cameras.

Part of me felt that it was unnecessary to stay in this area. Chen already knew we were on his island, so he wouldn't stay in a place where one of us could easily sneak up on him. Cameras were just about the only security measures around here.

I pressed my body against the wall, listening for any movement in the rooms along the hallway. When I deemed it safe to go through, I hurried down the corridor, soundlessly as always, and slipped into a room at the end of it, right before the turn.

A gasp.

I spun around and immediately pounced on the redheaded girl standing in the middle of the room, spinning her around so her back was towards me, with one hand over her mouth to prevent her from screaming and another pressing a knife to her throat.

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