Chapter 6

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I turn towards Tony, he looks at me with tired eyes and I smile, 

"You're not gonna like what I do next". It takes only a second for him to go,

 "No no no no- nope nope nope. You are not going to do what I think you're gonna do" he finishes with his hands on his robot hips. I pout and then my eyebrow twitches, 

"Then you better not be thinking about it either! I'm the perfect one to go do this! Last time I checked you didn't have commune over death, so!" Passing Loki over to a pouty Tony, I turn and apparated back to the building I was on before.

Searching for the nuke, I hear it before I see it, the harsh sound of the jet engine could be heard for miles. Looking towards it, I raise my hands and blast a powerful orange beam towards it. Redirecting its course, I hear shuffling behind me, quickly I get into a fighting stance, but he reassures me that he's a scientist and can close the portal, a lightbulb goes off. Turning back, I see the nuke going towards a building, firing off another beam I shoot the nuke through the portal right as the scientist closes the portal. Looking down at the team I see them staring up at me in awe. Suddenly, all the aliens drop like dominoes, seems the nuke did its job.

"Thank you", I look at the scientist and smile, 

"It's no problem, it's what I do". Jumping backward off the high rise no one comes to save me, and I land softly on my feet. Hearing a giggle, I walk over to baby Loki still in Tony's arms, taking him, I motion the group to follow me. Ending up at Stark Tower, we're welcomed with an imposing figure standing with his arms behind his back looking out towards the city, 

"You're back''.

I shift, holding Loki tight to my chest because I don't want anything to happen to him. He cocks an eyebrow at me and frowns,

 "What are you doing here," I smirk, 

"Did you expect me to sit it out?" His frown deepens, 

"I didn't expect anything, you're an anomaly. No birth records, no school records after the age of 10, you're a ghost, why." My smirk turns to a soft smile and I shake my head looking down at Loki, 

"You'll never know and don't go asking Tony, his memories are under lock and key and I have the key." He grumbles and changes the subject, 

"What happened out there?"

Wiping some glass off the plush cushion, I sit down positioning Loki on my lap, 

"Aliens, Fury; they're dead now. That nuke you sent over, I redirected it towards the portal, bye-bye aliens". I ended the sentence with a little finger wave, Fury released a deep sigh before turning towards me and motioning towards the baby I'm holding.

 "Oh! This is Loki!" I shout while picking Loki up by his armpits and turning him around, 

"isn't he cute?!"

"Why is he a baby?" I cringe, scrunching up my nose, 

"Loki tends to change forms depending on his mental state, when he is in better shape, then and only then will he be taken into custody. Even then, it won't be you taking him it will be Thor, he must have trial by Asgard and the King." Oo, he did not like that part, too bad for him. I stand up putting Loki on my hip, he rests his head on my shoulder, and I smile down at him. I walk towards the broken windows not before handing Loki off to Tony, 

"What're you doing?" I hear someone ask but I'm too busy powering up to answer. Walking onto the balcony, my eyes are glowing at this point, feeling my power reach its potential I thrust my hands outwards to the City. Dark green mist starts to pulse out of my hands, what feels like 30 hours was in reality 30 minutes. Opening my eyes, I could say an Alien Invasion never happened, taking a deep breath I turn back around and walked back inside. The group is staring at me in complete shock, cocking an eyebrow I ask, 


"You just rebuilt and cut back many months of time in 30 minutes, that's what." Opening my mouth for a silent 'Ah', I shrug my shoulders and turn to take Loki only to fall to my feet as soon as I take a step. Tony runs over to me with a shout,

 "Harry!" He passes Loki over to Thor and helps me up, 

"You have to take it easy now, you know that." I sigh and nod, he's right there's a baby inside of me now, I can't be so reckless. 

"Come on, let's go sleep, you need the rest." I scoff, 

"YOU need the rest, I want Loki too." Thor walks over and hands Loki back over to me, cradling him he cuddles to my chest. Tony keeps a steady hand on my lower back as we walk to our room.

I conjure up a lavish cradle to put Loki in, setting him down I enchant a light show for Loki to watch and fall asleep to. Turning to Tony, he gives me a soft smile and opens his arms, I release a choked sob and jump into his arms. He sits down with me on his lap, us on the carpeted floor, me sobbing uncontrollably into his neck. He rubs my back, keeping a tight hold on me, whispering good thoughts into my ear. All the stress and relief and happiness and all these conflicting emotions are too much for me right now. I'm so grateful to have Tony, my lifeline and Father of my Childe, the love of my life.  

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