Chapter 8

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The group nods between each other and heads over to the kitchen and watches Harry cook. He really is what you can call an 'Artist' in the kitchen, having spent all those years cooking for the Dursley's Harry was able to fine-tune his skills to that of a Master Chef. Tony walks around the counter to stand behind him, resting his head on Harry's shoulder and his hands around his waist he asks, 

"What's on the menu today?" Harry has already started on the meal of the morning, flipping the hashbrowns he says, 

"Eggs and hashbrowns," looking up from the pan he loudly asks, "how does everyone want their eggs?" Answers were said back and he kept the information fresh in his mind so he wouldn't forget. He and Tony started to sway back and forth ignoring the eyes on them, they just relished in each other's embrace. Finished with the hashbrowns he plates them and starts on the eggs, 'honestly,' Harry thinks, 'Tony is so clingy'.  Turning around as he heads towards the fridge to acquire the carton of eggs he keys into the conversation around him surrounding the battle yesterday. 

"I'm just glad the damage was taken care of as quickly as it was, who knows how long the clean-up crew from S.H.I.E.L.D. would've taken", Barton quips. 

"Believe that you know how long it took them to clean up Budapest after we were done with it?" Romanoff questioned with a smile on her face, Barton leans back in his chair and lets out a loud laugh assumingly remembering the weeks it took S.H.I.E.L.D to clean up the absolute shit storm that was Budapest. Focusing back on the food Harry thinks about Loki and the harm that came to him he sighs and plates the last of the group's eggs, with a swish of his hand all the plates start floating over to their owner. The chatter simmered once mouths were filled with the greatest flavor they've ever tasted, moans and groans come from the bar full of heroes. Having finished his plate Steve offered to wash the dishes but Harry waved him away, 

"It's no problem, besides I have magic to do it for me! Is everyone enjoying their food?" He asks this pointedly at the group, murmurs of delight and delicious came from them all, one pipes up with a question, 

"Where'd you learn how to cook like this?" Romanoff had asked this, Harry sets his fork on his plate and looks at the group as a whole, with a sigh he answers, 

"Growing up, the people I stayed with weren't good people, I was born into the world, left on their doorstep and they went 'Oh yippee our own personal slave!', not so much a 'yippee' more of a cry of pain from my point of view. In order to evade punishment, everything I made had to be more than perfect. This one time, in particular, it was the Husband and Wife's wedding anniversary and I was instructed to make the most beautiful dinner, 'Fit for the Queen', I was told and I did, everything down to the vodka-based sauce covering the pasta, it was beautiful." Harry stops and locks eyes with Tony who stood up and went over to Harry offering a loving caress to his waist, Harry leans in to Tony's embrace and continues the tale,

"Luck wasn't on my side that night, unfortunately, the oven broke and the family deemed it to be my fault seeing as I was the only one who cooked in the house it had to be my fault; I was in critical condition for 3 months, I was 13." The reactions of the group are as expected, horror was the main one among them. Apologies were passed from the group to Harry who merely shrugged claiming it was old news, but the group could tell that just from the retelling he was rocked, Loki could tell the most which is why he went over to his Parental figure and hugged him so tight if he already didn't need to breathe he wouldn't have been able too. 

Harry consoles Loki as best he could, realizing that now he can relate which is the last thing Harry ever wanted for his childe. Detaching from Loki he speaks up, 

"Well now that I've promptly ruined the mood, who wants tea?" A few soft chuckles were heard before a few of them asked for tea the way they liked it, sitting around the coffee table in the living room sprawled on the long L shaped couch Loki dared to ask the question fresh on everyone's mind, 

"Mamma?" Harry hummed and looked towards Loki whose eyes were trying their hardest not to spill over the absolute waterfalls that were about to spring forth, 

"What happened to those people?" A sharp intake of breath was taken from everyone except for Harry who in contrast had a cold look overshadow his face, looking deep into Loki's eyes he said,

"I killed them." 

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