Chapter 2

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"Draco" I growled out 

"Why would you even think of calling me?" Draconis Lucious Malfoy Minister of Magic sat in his rather expensive leather chair looking rather uncomfortable. He even avoided my eyes for a short few seconds before complying and answering my question.

 "I need your help." I was shocked, so shocked that I closed his door, sighed, and walked back inside. 

"What?" I asked unaware of how stupid I sounded at that moment.

He sighed and rested his head on the desk, the desk that he had custom-made once he became Minister. 

"I need your help Ry" with the use of my nickname I realize how serious he is. There are two things he could be asking of me, he either wants my help on a big prank or for me to catch a murderer. I nod and sit down in front of him, 

"What would you like me to do Dray?" He looks up at me and smiles a scheming smile and I smile back at him.

Some people might think that Draco and I are mortal enemies, but we are anything but. We are brothers from different mothers, point-blank. Ronald and I had a falling out when I got engaged to Tony and he didn't like that. He expected me to marry his little sister and that would never happen. I still keep in contact with Hermione but not Ronald. 

"It's Astoria and I's anniversary in a few days I haven't figured out what to get her, you're the only person I know that would be able to come up with something that she'll love and believe that I came up with it, what should I do?" Harry is surprised for a moment before breaking out into hysterical laughter, clutching his stomach he glances up at Draco who is mortified at Harry's laughter, 

"Oh Draco, I would love to help you with this but seriously, did you have to emergency call me in! I was enjoying a peaceful breakfast and then I have to haul ass to get here just for you to tell me something you could've sent in a letter, come on!" Draco had the gall to look embarrassed, 

"I didn't think you would come as fast if I had just sent you a letter!" We erupt into giggles and start working on the gift for Astoria. A few hours have gone by and I'm leaving the Auror office when I bump into a surprising individual. 

"Ginny!" She sees me and jumps onto me sending us tumbling to the floor, 

"Harry!" We hug for a good few minutes before helping each other up and cracking large smiles at ourselves, 

"Oh Harry we must catch up, are you busy?" I shake my head, 

"No I actually just finished helping Draco with an anniversary gift for Astoria so I'm free for the rest of the day! She jumps up and down holding onto my hand, 

"Let's go now! Come on!" I shake my head and chuckle nodding and telling her to hold on tight before apparating away back to the house. I am now standing in my living room back at Tony and my's penthouse. I put my rings back on and pull her towards his workshop. As I enter the password and the music stops, he turns around and looks at me, "Who's this Honey?" 

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