Chapter 5

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I take in the wide-eyed, sweaty expression on my Husband's face. Pushing past Draco I walk over to Tony, 

"Darling, what is it?" All he does is point outside; I turn towards the big open window we have in the living space. Coming out of, what appears to be a wormhole in the sky, are flying metal bugs and Aliens? Looking back at Tony I nod, give him a kiss and run towards our room. Going into our shared closet I press a button and it opens up a secret compartment made specifically for this one moment.

It's a weapon crafted by the best magical gun specialists. Engraved in the barrel are runes for soundproof, in the scope enhanced vision, and on the clip infinite ammo. I pick it up and place it on my bed, going back to my closet I put on my battle robes softly caressing my stomach as I do. Putting my hair up into a bun, I walk out of our room and back into the living space. Tony and Draco are still there talking about what to do and stop when they see me. Tony's eyes widen when he sees the weapon I have and Draco gives me a grin, chuckling I wave and apparate to the roof.

Getting comfortable on the roof I lay down and start shooting aliens out of the sky. I look around with the scope and see the 'Avengers' unsuccessfully fighting them off. I turn my body towards them and start to pick the aliens off. I can see the group is confused until I get up and jump off the building. As I seem to have gotten their attention by falling, they try to save me, thinking that I'm going to die.

As I near the ground I'm caught in metal arms, smirking I snuggle closer making Tony in his suit laugh. He flies closer to the group and sets me down, resting my gun on my shoulders I wave to the 'Team'. Captain America approaches me,

 "Ma'am, are you okay?" I sigh and nod looking at Tony, he comes behind me and wraps his arm around my waist. The Avengers look confused and Tony and I are none the wiser, he opened up his mask and started to whisper things to me. I giggle and kiss his cheek,

"Stop it, Tony! Not in front of company, you know the rule." He pouts as I turn away from him whispering one more thing to me, 

"When this is all over you're not gonna be able to walk for a week." Before slapping his hood down and walking away. My mouth is open and words are unable to come out of it, with a giggle I compose myself and turn back towards the group. I scan the group before coming on a certain Asgardian, seeing that I'm looking at him he starts to sweat. I skip over to him, while I hold my gun behind my back I stare up at him and grin. He coughs and greets me, 

"Lord Death it's an honor to meet with you a-again, I hope to see you at the announcing ceremony." My grin widened the more he talked, everyone around us is confused, well except Tony of course. I motion with my finger for him to come closer, he does and I slap him upside the head. 

"Idiot boy! First, you lose Mjilnor, then you destroy a town with the Destroyer, and now Loki is running amuck on MY PLANET! What do you have to say for yourself?!" Thor is now fully crouched down with his head bowed. Now I'm assuming you expect to have the Son of Odin apologize honorably and correctly, well you'd be wrong. Instead, he's groveling asking for forgiveness. 

"I'm so sorry I didn't know he was going to do all these things! I tried to stop him but I thought he died!" I looked down at him and said,

 "You should have come to me then, I would've been able to tell you immediately if he died or not, you have offended me, Thor. Until you have earned my forgiveness your privileges are revoked." I feel bad right after saying that, revoking his privileges will break him. Looking at him it seems it has, cursing to myself I turn away from him to see the others looking at us in shock and confusion. Pressing the bridge of my nose I tell them to cover their ears, a couple complained but when I glared they did. Sighing I breathe in deeply and then bellow out with so much force,


A pop sounds next to me and all in his horned glory is Loki Odinson, he looks around and comes upon my enraged face. I hear him mutter 'oh shit', he tries to run but I've already shot him in both legs, crying out in pain he falls and starts to move backward on his hands. I continue to approach him making him go faster until his back hits the roof of a car, that was turned over by the initial attack. I crouch and get in his face, 

"Loki?" I whisper seeing his scared expression. His hands had gone up to defend his face/body as he moved them away, I noticed a difference. Mutual green eyes stared at me but with terror coursing through them, I quickly heal his legs with a wave of my hand. Placing my hand on his face, I rub his cheek with my thumb and smile softly when he sighs and leans into my hand.

"Loki, El sweetheart, what happened?" I ask in a motherly voice. I have for quite some time seen Loki as my own and I was training him to be my heir but then he disappeared, and I was heartbroken. The first thing I did was check my realm to make sure if he died or not, finding out that he wasn't dead hurt me more. Knowing that he wasn't in my grasp and off somewhere stressed me out, finding out that he oversaw this little take over made me very disappointed. Hearing me use the nickname I gave him all those years ago his eyes started to swell with tears, suddenly a puff of smoke went off, and not seeing Loki anymore I look around. Feeling something pull on my pant leg I look down and smile.

When Loki got older and he needed to cry or needed someone to hold him he would transform into his younger self, I.e. a toddler. Picking him up I placed him on my hip, and he put his head on my shoulder and just cried. Sighing I hold him close and whisper things to him to help him calm down, I feel a presence behind me, so I turn around. It looked to be an Albino Lion, very rare in the wild, smiling I pet the Lion on its nose and head. The Avengers seem to have realized that there is a Lion in front of me and I'm holding a baby. Tony goes to shoot it, but I shake my head to tell him not to, 

"Don't worry guys, this is my familiar, Hedwig."

"What's with the kid? Where's Loki?" I turn towards the group more and explain to him who Loki is to me and where he is. Shockingly, they understand quite well and will hold off their assault and interrogation until Loki is mentally stable. Hearing a screech, I turn to a hoard of Aliens coming towards us. Pushing energy through my hands I swipe my hands towards the area where the Aliens are and fire. Obliterated wouldn't begin to explain what happened to them. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Natasha press her finger to her ear and nod. She looks at me and says, 

"There's a nuke headed for New York."  

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