Chapter 7

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Waking up felt like heaven, as it does every time I wake up in Tony's arms. I nuzzle his chest before reaching up and caressing his face; hearing a groan and feeling a kiss on my palm, I smile. My love wraps his arms around my torso holding me close, in turn, I do the same. We bask in each other's embrace, releasing each other, we give a kiss, his on my forehead mine on his scruffy chin. We roll out of bed and start to do our morning routines, I head over to Loki's crib first thing. It takes me .5 seconds to realize he's not there, taking deep breaths I try to keep calm. I reach out with my magic to locate him, releasing a deep sigh I relax; he's in the living room. 

I walk into the living room and everything stops, I zero in on Loki who aged himself back to before, he's standing in the middle of everyone but he only sees me. 

"Mamma," I release a sob and open my arms just as he gets to me. We go to the floor still entrapped with each other, I pull away and stare at his face, 

"Oh my sweet El, what did he do to you?" This breaks him and he falls into hysterics, he tries to get it all out but what comes out is a jumbled mess of sobs and Nordic. 

"Can I see?" He nods. I place my hands on his temple and enter his mind. Torture. Just, torture. That's what he did to my Loki. I exit and stare into his eyes, 

"I'll kill him." I'm livid, everyone here knows it too. My magic is coming off of me in waves, standing up I bring forth Death. All the shadows in the room come together to form a man, skin as black as night, long white hair, lithe body, 6'5, when he smiles you can see razor-sharp teeth (good for eating souls), full black eyes, sclera, and everything. He's wearing what you'd think Death would wear, except he also has a cane. The cane itself is bold black, pretty boring, but the handle is marvelous; his own skull. 

"You called Master", he says with a bow. I cross my arms, 

"Thanos," at this, his eyes widen,

 "is his plan necessary?" 

His face contorts into a grin, "It is." I suck my teeth,

 "What if I kill him?" He shakes his head,

 "Someone new will be born with the same plan in their head." I groan, 

"But, in killing him It would halt the upcoming for a while, yes?" He nods. 

"Good, I'll see to it personally that he visits Hel for this." 

"Anything else you need from me, my master?" Death's deep monotone voice resonated through the living space, making everyone, not, the Master of Death extremely confused. 

"Master?" Surprisingly it was Steve who piped up with the nerve to ask any questions,

"Yes, I'm the Master of Death, Lord Death, Destroyer of Dark Lords, etc. You get the gist, I commune over Death," Harry points at Death, "So hee~," he gestures wildly at Death, "calls me Master, capiche?" 

"Uuhh" Steve blinks a few times to clear his thoughts, "yeah I think I get it, but whose Thanos?"  

A loud, annoyed, sigh makes everyone, (minus Steve), cringe and step a feet steps away from Steve, 

"Thanos. The giant, who tortured my baby into committing atrocities such as yesterday. He has this idea in his head to solve universal extinction. Which, don't get me wrong is a great idea but it's the way he wants to go about it, that ticks me off." Thor steps forward,

"The Infinity Stones." Harry nods his head and crosses his arms leaning on his left leg,  

"The Infinity Stones." 

The group takes a moment amongst themselves, absorbing the information that was just shoved down their throat.
A nervous hand rose overheads,

" Uh, what're the 'Infinity Stones'?"
Surprise surprise, it was Steve who asked this. Thor stepped up this time and explained gistly,

"The Infinity Stones are six stones that if brought together would grant the bearer enormous power. They go as followed,  The Space Stone, the Reality Stone, the Power Stone, the Mind Stone, the Time Stone, and the Soul Stone."

Harry suddenly pipes up with a curious note in his voice,

"I have a question, which just popped into my brain", turning to Death he asks, "by my killing of Thanos how long will we have until Thanos 2.0 comes along and ruins our day, hm?" All eyes are on him and Death now and Death sweats a bit.

"Uh Uhm, well it's hard to say, Master, at any time when you kill him a subordinate can take over and continue his work, however; there isn't many who can withstand the force that is the Infinity Stones so," he pauses and thinks.

"So?" Harry leans forward a bit. Death sighs and shrugs,

"It could take 100s of years, more likely the next 50 or so." Harry sighs and tsks when he hears this, then he makes a discovery and groans,

"Noooo this means that I have to just leave him alone until fate has me kill him, ugh that totally sucks. This just means I have to wait a bit longer before I can torture him to death, oh well." He turns towards Loki and beckons him into his arms, he caresses his face and wipes his eyelids with his thumb.

"You may go Death, keep me updated on Thanos, and in return you shall get an influx of souls soon," Harry says this with a soft smile on his lips and reaches his left hand out for the other, Death kissed his ring finger and nods before leaving. Turning back towards Loki he sighs,

"I will do whatever I can to fix this El, I promise you that", Loki crumbles slightly and nods before giving a sniffled smile. Harry looks at Thor,

"If you take him back to Asgard and he is imprisoned I will take him back, no matter what the consequences, do you understand that." Thor bristled slightly but submitted to Harry in terms of rank and power he can take this threat as advice and use it to his advantage, even though he has none. He nods at Harry and looks at Loki,

"Are you happy here Loki?" Loki is taken aback and huffs surprised at the change in topic, he nods and smiles,

"Never been happier." Thor smiles when he hears this,

"Then I don't care what you do, as long as you're happy. I'll deal with Father, for now, I should be able to hold him off, but when I can't," he cringes "I'll send a notice." With one last sparing look at Loki, he walks outside and calls for Heimdall. Thor looks back at the group before nodding and shooting up into space, we awkwardly wave or nod back as a goodbye. Harry detaches himself from the group and goes into the kitchen setting up appliances to make breakfast. 

"Anybody hungry?" 

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