Connected Hearts

425 10 6

Word count - 2,571
Au - Modern
Ship - InoAoi
The room was quiet as the sea as I heard the wind knocking at my window. It was strong, almost terrifying, it pushed and pulled the leaves off the trees and threw them in completely different directions. I was born in day just like this. In a day where the wind was completely wild and out of control. It was like two people pulling the opposite ends of a rope. Normal parents would be happy or at least have an react when their child is born but mine just looked at me and felt nothing. They felt like I was a waste of time and ran away from the hospital when the doctors turned their backs for just a moment. As for what happened to them, I have no idea if the stories are true bit it was told that the minute they left the hospital it was like a curse or bad luck that hell put on them himself. Some say they were driving past the speed limit and they both died from the hit they took from another car. Others say that they traveled to Australia or someplace and the woman died because of the infection that she had caught somewhere. The man, I mean, my father was said to have killed himself and that's where a stopped listening to the madness

I was rather lucky to have been seen by a nice family. The Kocho family was nice enough to ask who the parents were, that's when they knew the whole story any decided to take me in. The Kocho sisters were left alone wben their parents died. Their father died of a disease and their mother died of heart cancer. They decided to make the family bigger and decided to adopt another little girl. Her name was Kanao  and it took sometime for her to express her feelings to others. Her new friends became mine and before I knew it I started to like this one boy.

He was to most kindest boy I had ever met but I had took notice that Kanao was also in love with the kind boy. I knew I had no chance, especially since Tanjiro, the boy, liked her back, even if he was just a little slow. I had to admit, they were quite cute. I left them be but I did hurt for a while

A little later I decided to move but not that far from where sisters lived. I was 17 when I made the decision. I only moved a block farther than where I used to live. I started to become more independent but my heart still ached from the love I was missing out on. It was the universe decided to tease with couples passing by my house with the biggest smile planted on their faces. I felt so invisable to everyones eyes. My new friends were the best thing I had at the moment. I admit, they're not normal, they're far from normal but I guess that's what makes them fun. Zenitsu Agatsuma, a blonde loud cry baby, is sweet and thoughtful but also attracts trouble. He also has no respect for woman but he's learning. Tanjiro, the boy I used to like, is the kindest boy and he treats everyone like if they were family. He has a sister named Nezuko and she is also very kind but no one beats Tanjiro. Tanjiro has wide red eyes and has blackish burgundy hair color. Nezuko has a nice pink eyes with black hair with orange tips. Every boy treats her like a princess or a queen. Kanao is one of the most beautiful girls in the school. She still has her beautiful features with her pink-lilac colored eyes. Her gental smile grew bigger over the years along with her heart that she had opened when she met Tanjiro. I have another friend that I met in math class. His name is Genya Shinazugawa, he is very shy sround woman but he has sweet and manly heart. At least, that's what he calls it. He was cute and gental but, of course, he was taken by a girl who was really beautiful. They were both really shy and cute so I let them be. I sometimes wonder that my life would've been if I confessed instead of wasting time being just a friend. Though, it wouldn't be very fair for his part

Oh, there is this one other boy that I haven't mentioned yet. I've hardly met him myself though, his name is Inosuke Hashibira. Every time someone mentions his name it's like he has never existed. The only reason why I call him a friend is because he is friends with the rest of the group and the only one he hasn't met from the group was me. It's weird but everytime I 'meet up' with him something always goes wrong. He is always running away from Mr. Shinazugawa, Genya's older brother. Something about a mask? I don't know, I'm not the right person you should ask about him. He always gets detention and always plays and eats outside instead eating in cafeteria with us. It's not like he doesn't ever come around, it's just that I'm never around when that happens. It's so annoying because this has been happening since I met the group. That was around 8th grade, it's been years and I've only seem him once. I remeber him running as fast as the speed of light. Papers were flying everywhere and he had this thing over his head. I don't even know if we made eye contact or not but at the time I didn't know it was him. Someone had opened a door and I guess he was at something my direction. I was going warn him but as soon as raised my hand from hugging my books he had already slammed into the door. I just scruntched my face at the sound of the crash. I honestly thought broke something but I didn't check on him, I just opened an eye to see if he was ok and people were already poking him to see if was alive. It was like seeing someone picking at the gum that was stuck under the desk. With that, I took my leave and speed walked to my class. When Nezuko told me that was Inosuke I slammed my head on the desk at the missed opportunity to met him. The universe definitely doesn't want us to met, apperently.

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2021 ⏰

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