Happy Birthday

694 11 2

Word count-2340

The two to boys have been yelling at the blacked haired boys window for about 3-5 minutes. Their voices were giving out

"Maybe he's not feeling well," Tanjiro said as he was about to leave with Zenitsu. "It'd be best to leave him be, later we can come back and check on him to see if he's doing alright," Tanjiro picked up his present and was about to walk away with it but he then got pulled by Zenitsu. He almost fell by the sudden action but then understood when the black-blue haired boy almost destroyed his own door and ended up at the side walk when he hit the breaks. The two boys had very different expressions on there faces, Tanjiro was happy that he wasn't sick amd that he was ok. Zenitsu, on the other hand, look both conserned and pissed

Inosuke turn around with the biggest smile both have ever seen before. It was almost too bright for the eyes, Inosuke ran up to the while running in place,"Do you know what today is?! Do you?! DO YOU?!!" His smile kept getting bigger and bigger as he got closer and closer to their faces. Tanjiro smiled and got up as he was still leaning on Zenitsu to avoid the fall he was about to take. Before Tanjiro could answer, Zenitsu cut in and said,"Earth day." He had a smirk on his face that earned him a punch in the face from Inosuke.


Tanjiro just looked at the two, he was unsure which one to help/stop. Zenitsu had been running away in fear which later turned into laughter. He was laughing so hard he had to stop to take a breather but ended up laughing more. Inosuke stopped chasing him and just looked at him. He didn't have a responce so he just stood there debating on what he should do. "Okokok, you win!" He said as he wiped away a tear that was about to come out. Inosuke was still very confused but he shrugged it off as he didn't really care anymore. He bent down an inch then offered his hand to lift him

Zenitsu was off the ground, he smiled and turn to Tanjiro who had forgotten he had bought a gift for his friend. He smiled at Zenitsu for reminding him and looked around for his present that he had dropped. He found it and was releaved that it was unharmed. He picked it up and checked if it was dirty as the bag wasn't all that bad. Tanjiro, after checking if it was alright, turned to Inosuke who was both confused and intrigued. Tanjiro put the happiest and biggest smile he could pull off

"Happy birthday Inosuke!"

Inosuke was a little shocked, he turned to Zenitsu who also said 'happy birthday' at the same time Tanjiro had. He also had a smile planted on his face, it was smaller than Tanjiro's but it was just enough to make Inosuke feel gitty. His smile had returned as he looked at his present with exitement. Tanjiro handed it over as Inosuke took whatever was inside and through the bag somewhere on his right. He removed the red paper that was covering his gift. He stopped dead in his tracks when he saw what it was. It a picture that was taken in Zenitsu's phone. It was him sticking out his tonge with Tanjiro right behind him making a peace sign. Although it was taken on his phone, Zenitsu wasn't the one that took the photo. He was a little in the front of Inosuke, making a grin on his face. A little near the corner of the picture was a girl with black hair. She was sticking out her tongue as she made a peace sign with her eyes closed. A little behing her was another girl who had black hair but had orange tips. She was smiling with her eyes closed and mouth a little open. She had to stretch a little to fit in the photo bit she had no sign of tension in the photo. Inosuke smiled as he remembered the day this picture was taken. It wasn't too long ago, it took place in a near river that the group went on to experience fishing. Aoi and Nezuko were both holding their fishing rods while Kanao was the one that had took the picture, as she said she was to shy to appear in any pictures. Tanjiro took some of everyone on his phone, including him and Kanao. What a lover boy, huh?

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