Werwolves and Steins

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(Story ends) "Not all of the passengers survived though." Eunice added, Winnie was next. "Mine is about relationship." Winnie stated. (Story starts) Werewolves were pioneers, while steins were natives around this time. A family of steins named Frank, Eunice, Faye, and Quinten were practicing to fight. "So if there was a werewolf or pioneer, aim the arrow at them." Frank smiled, Faye and Quinten haven't really seen nor noticed a werewolf before. [A few hours later] Quinten's stomach began to growl. "Faye, can we go in the forest to look and hunt for food?" Quinten asked. "I guess we could, it'll help us practice." Faye stated, getting her and Quinten's bow and arrow. [10 minutes later] "We haven't found anything..." Quinten grumbled, but both of the young natives heard a rustle, they got concerned.

"What was that?" Quinten questioned worried, Faye noticed a couple of werewolves with torches. "It's pioneers, hide!" Faye whispered, her and Quinten hid behind a rock. A werewolf named Wayne smelled a weird stench, he did a growl. "I smell two natives." Wayne growled, a werewolf named Walter noticed the rock that Faye and Quinten had hid. "The stench is really strong behind that rock." Walter stated, him and other werewolves approached the rock. Faye and Quinten began to sweat and held hands tightly, as the werewolves were coming closer. The pioneers seemed to not have noticed Faye and Quinten, their clothes must have blended in. "There's nothing here, must have been an animal." A werewolf named Walsh grumbled, the werewolves walked away.

"Phew, that was close!" Quinten sighed in relief. "I think we're lost Quinten, let's just rest for tonight." Faye yawned. [The next day] Frank and Eunice had noticed their children were missing. "Where could they be?" Eunice asked worried, Frank noticed Faye and Quinten's bow and arrows were gone. "Oh no, they must have went into the forest and got lost." Frank whimpered. Meanwhile... Faye and Quinten had noticed a couple of houses. "Look, another native village!" Quinten thought wrongly. "No Quinten, these aren't teepees... It's a pioneer village, we have to steal food and be careful!" Faye explained, her and Quinten snuck into a village into someone's house. A werewolf pup named Wanda heard something, she got a little curious. "Huh?" Wanda dropped, she walked into her family's house quietly.

"Hello? Is somebody there? Even if you're a native I'm harmless..." Wanda whimpered, Faye and Quinten began to sweat. Wanda unlocked a chest and noticed the two natives, she did a gasp. "What are two natives doing here?" Wanda questioned. [A few moments later] Faye and Quinten were sitting on a bed, while Wanda was sitting on the floor. "How and why did you guys get here? Not all werewolf pioneers are nice to stein natives." Wanda shivered. "We went into the forest to look for something to eat because we were hungry, me and my little brother noticed werewolf pioneers are got worried. We then noticed we were lost and looked for food here..." Faye explained, Quinten's stomach then growled again. "Is there something we can eat at least?" Quinten questioned in poor hunger.

"My sister cooks good soup and pork-chop." Wanda smiled. "What about your parents?" Faye asked. "Well... My father named Wilson hunts for natives, my sister named Willow and my brother named Will live with me as well, and my mother named Willa sadly passed away..." Wanda whimpered. "What happened?" Quinten questioned. "The only time I met her was when I was born, she passed away giving birth to me." Wanda sighed. [A few moments later] Willow and Will had cooked food for Faye and Quinten. "It was mother's recipe..." Willow stated. "We have to hide you from father, werewolves have really good scent." Will warned. "Our village is near a lake." Faye informed. "We'll have to split up though." Quinten sighed in defeat, the werewolves did a nod in agreement.

[A few moments later] Wanda and Quinten were together, while the older youngsters were together. "We have to be careful, we're really young." Wanda whimpered. "I have a bow and arrow handy, just in case something happens." Quinten smiled as he patted it, but both of the children heard a rustle. "What was that?" Wanda asked worried, a couple of older werewolves came along with weapons as Wanda and Quinten screamed. "Well, well, well? If it isn't a young stein native and a young werewolf pioneer all alone in the forest?" Walsh snickered, Quinten and Wanda moved back but bumped into Wayne. "Wilson is going to being impressed and disappointed that his daughter is helping stein natives." Wayne laughed, grabbing Wanda as she screamed, Quinten growled and grabbed his bow and arrow.

"Stop and let her go! I have a bow and arrow." Quinten growled, Walter kicked Quinten to the ground. "Weakling, we're going to find you're village and burn it down." Walter smirked, Frank along with two steins named Mark and Argo were hiding behind a rock. "It's Quinten and some werewolf pup who is helping him." Mark stated, Frank growled and kicked Walter, knocking him out completely. "Let my child go." Frank ordered, Walsh and Wayne did a laugh. "It's two against one native." Walsh laughed, but Mark and Argo came along with their weapons. "He said let his child go." Argo imitated, Walsh and Wayne shivered and ran off. [A few moments later] Quinten and Wanda were hugging Frank hardly. "Thanks Father..." Quinten shivered. "Who is this little one?" Frank questioned curiously.

"I'm Wanda." Wanda introduced with a kind and little smile. "Where's Faye?" Mark questioned. "She went with Wanda's older siblings named Willow and Will, they're harmless as well." Quinten stated. Meanwhile... "Have any of you gotten a sent of a lake or a native?" Faye questioned. "No... All I smell is the grass and dirt." Will whimpered, but Willow smelled a stench. "Wait... I smell a native though..." Willow dropped, Faye did an exhale. "I'm pretty sure you're smelling me, Willow." Faye exhaled. [A few moments later] Frank, Eunice, Faye, and Quinten were finally reunited. "Thank you so much, they wouldn't be here if it weren't for you." Eunice smiled, the werewolves did smiled and went back to their village. "Can we visit them one day?" Quinten asked, Frank and Eunice did an exhale at him.

"You can, you'll just have to be secretive and sneaky." Frank smiled. (Story ends) "Wow, you have a good imagination Winnie..." Johnny dropped. "I don't think the stein natives did anything wrong to deserve the hurt and pain by werewolf pioneers, at least some of those werewolves were actually nice and cared." Eunice grumbled. "I have a story." Wanda smiled.

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