Someone mentions you

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Harry: The 5 boys had gone along to one of your many movie premiers and were currently being interviewed. Yourself and Harry weren’t in an official relationship but you sure as hell acted like it. You had met the cheeky lad at one of his concerts that you attended and you both had an immediate connection. You were each others date to everything. Awards shows. Premieres. Weddings. Awkward double dates. Whenever you both needed a partner, you called up the other half and off you went. The interview had obviously wanted to know whether you 2 were official or not and started to talk about you, making Harry immediately smile. The interviewer, as well as the other boys, had begun to tease the poor boy, trying to get him to confess his attraction for you. No one had seemed to notice you were behind the boys, so you decided to run up and hug the curly haired lad from behind, reaching up and pressing a kiss to his cheek, making him blush. The boys gave him a shocked look, watching you run off again away from the awkward situation. They looked at him questioningly, until he finally confessed that you 2 were in fact going on an official date later on after the premiere, laughing at the boys that were cheering.

Louis: The 5 boys were on the Graham Norton show, being interviewed on the famous red couch that was surprisingly comfortable and could actually fit them all for once. Louis hadn’t seen you in a few days because you had to rush home from your spot on tour to visit a close family member who had been put in hospital but you had spoken to him just before the interview telling him that you would return in a few days, since the family member was getting better and you needed to get back to your job as a PA (personal assistant) for the boys. He hadn’t spoken to you since then and even though it had only been a few hours, he missed you like crazy. He was so used to you being around all the time that being apart for this long had started to making him really upset. The boys had tried to cheer him up but even they couldn’t do anything to excite the love struck man. It wasn’t until Graham put up a video of yourself and Louis’ younger sisters playing Just Dance that he smiled. Everyone started to giggle at how into it you got, singing along to every word in the various songs and doing all of the movements, even the spins. He knew that was your favourite game (behind Mario Kart and Fifa of course) and he recalled all of the memories he had of you 2 playing it together in your shared apartment. Finally someone had gotten him to smile.  

Niall: Niall was in a small private interview backstage at one of their concerts. They had allowed the fans that had won backstage tickets to ask them questions and ‘interview’ them just for shits and giggles. Niall had 2 young girls, roughly age 10, who were interviewing him and if that wasn’t cute enough, they had started to talk about you. You were on tour with the boys, being one of their stylists, but Niall hadn’t seen you all day because you had gone out with the other girls to have a ‘girly day’. One of the young girls had started telling Niall a story of when she had met you and how you both fangirled over Niall and how you were showing her videos of him dancing around your guys house. The other little girl had then started to talk about how perfect you were for Niall and how you always did cute embarrassing things and she showed him a video of you doing said embarrassing thing, making him started to laugh and smile even more than he had been before. He honestly loved it when you embarrassed yourself because you never really cared.You would do anything and it would never really affect how you were. He loved that you joined in on his many shenanigans and weren’t afraid to do stupid things

Liam: Liam was happily sitting on the stage, listening to Niall talk to the fans about god knows what when he heard his name being yelled. Usually he wouldn’t be able to hear much but a group of girls seemed to be trying to get his attention a few rows from the front. He looked up and saw them holding a sign saying “Y/N AND LIAM ARE MEANT TO BE!” He started to smile uncontrollably. He loved it when he met fans that liked you, seeing as many directioners could be quite protective of the boys and weren’t fond of any woman ‘getting in the way’. He waved at the girls, letting them know that he saw the sign. He held his finger up, tapping a security guard on his shoulder and asking for his phone. He quickly took a photo of the girls with their sign, giving the phone back to the guard and asking if he could collect the girls after the concert to bring them backstage so he could thank them for being supportive.

Zayn: The boys were being interviewed and were currently answering questions that various youtubers and celebrities had asked them. Zayn had been having a bad day, feeling seriously home sick and missing you like crazy. He had called you before the interview started but it wasn’t enough. He couldn’t wait till he got to go home in a week and could see you every day till the tour started. Tyler Oakley then popped up on the screen, starting off with the traditional “Hi love you guys,” that everyone seemed to comment. It wasn’t until Tyler mentioned you that Zayn perked his head up and started grinning cutely. Tyler had started to ramble on about how you and Zayn were ‘couple goals’ as he had put it and Zayn could not stop smiling, a light blush tinting his cheeks. When the video disappear, the boys teased Zayn, slapping him on the back and making kissy faces at him but he couldn’t care less.

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