Louis: His eyes grew teary as soon as he saw the look on your face. The tone of your voice was pure torture.
“I might not be coming back,” You explained to him, repeating what you’d been discussing with your parents back home. You planned to visit them a few months from now, only to learn that you may have to stay a lot longer than you were going to.
“What?” He whispered gently. You felt his eyes bore into the top of your head as you focused on the intricate details in the floor beneath you. “Don’t lie to me, [Y/N]” Your heart broke at the sight in front of you.
“Hey you two, dinner’s ready.” Niall butted in and despite your protests of staying and talking about it, he got you to sit beside each other during the Sunday dinner.
Zayn: “Hello?” You answered the call as you turned down the busy street in Central London, careful for any police vehicles around.
“Hi Mummy! What are you doin’?” A smile was on your face at the sound of your daughter’s voice,
“Just driving home from work, darling. I’ll be there soon.” Your daughter asked another question but only received a big crash in return.
“Mummy?” She grew frustrated when you didn’t reply. “Daddy? Mummy won’t talk. But I talked to her before!” Her father’s eyebrows pulled together in confusion. “Here,” She handed the phone to him.
“[Y/N]? Are you there?” You lay lifeless in a car wreck, people trying desperately to help to the best of their abilities. He hung up, figuring you would ring back later.
Niall: Your throat had developed an unusual bump on the side and it was fairly hard to touch. You’d booked an appointment with your doctor and was soon admitted to hospital.
“Hey,” You said after his voicemail tone. “I’m just ringing to say that I’m being checked into the hospital.” You took a shaky breath. “I have thyroid cancer.” Your thick, blue shirt was gripped between your fingers quite tightly. “Please be here as soon as you can, or-or ring mum or someone, please.” You sniffed to rid the running snot from your nose, swiping a hand underneath your eye. “I thought I should ring you and mum but I have to go now, I don’t have enough time to get to her.” He was happily playing a concert in god knows where. What he didn’t know is that his wife was about to endure the last few months of her life.
Liam: You were sure all the fame was getting into his head because he’d started acting real snobby. Always wanting what he wanted.
“Babe, you’re not a king-” He scoffed,
“Close to it.” You had confusion etched in your face. What?
“You’re a fool, Liam.” He frowned at your figure leaving the small McDonalds in a rush but continued to stand and moan about the ‘poor customer service’.
“About time!” He snatched the two bags from the poor manager behind the counter, throwing a few profanities over his shoulder. Soon enough videos were online of his little ‘outburst’ and his management were all over it - working desperately to get rid of it.
“You’ve got to buck up your ideas.” You finally let out. “You’re a person like everyone else.”
“I know and I’m sorry,”
Harry: “Get over yourself [Y/N], she’s a friend!” He fumed as he strode around the house, collecting his belongings for his departure the next day. “All I wanted was to meet up with her before I left, is that so hard?” You hadn’t talked to him in a day. His bags were gone, his passport, wallet, phone, keys, car. You at least expected a ‘goodbye’ before he left for a few months and with the new tour starting up, you had no idea if he’d have enough time to give for you. You saw he was active on Twitter and boasting about the hype around the opening night. Had he forgotten about you? The amount of anger you felt towards him at that point was off the charts. You could not believe him. ‘I won’t be here when you come back. Best of luck, x.’

1D preferences
FanfictionNot mine. All of them are from Tumblr but I thought they were so good that I had to share them here. :)