Niall: You and Niall had a history together. No matter what you two went through or where you were in your own lives, you always found a way back to each other. It wasn’t the healthiest of relationships, but it was inevitable that you two would somehow end up back together.
He pulled you into him, hands on either cheek, as you brought your hands to his forearms.
“I’m scared, what if this doesn’t end up working out, what are we going to do then huh?” You said. He had shown up to your door around 11:30 at night a little buzzed from earlier in the night, begging for you to leave the city with him. He leaned his forehead into yours, preparing his argument in his head to get you to come with him.
“C’mon baby, we’ve talked about this before. Just you and me out in the world, no one telling us what to do. It’ll be like a fucking dream.” Your gaze veered away from his eyes and down to both of your feet.
“I just don’t know Niall.”
“Hey hey hey.” He lifted your head back up to meet his and brushed a strand of hair behind your right ear. “Isn’t that all a part of the adventure though? Not knowing what’s going to happen next? Look I love you okay; I want to spend this time, right now with only you. Please just come with me, please.” How could you say no to that face, his deep blue eyes gazing into yours. You knew it was a risky decision, but in that moment you knew it was the right choice to make.
“Okay…let’s do this.” He let out a deep throaty laugh as he wrapped his arm around you shoulder as his other came around your waist to bring you into a playful kiss. You both smiled and laughed as he continued to peck kisses all over your face and neck. You playfully push him away as he jumps up on your couch cheering that you two were starting a new chapter in your lives.
“I love you, I love you, I love you!” He chanted. He quickly stepped off the couch, grabbed your hand and started running towards your bedroom to pack your things.
Harry: “I don’t know where we’ll go, or where we’ll end up, but we’ll be together.” He whispered to you, still half asleep, the sun barely shining through the window. You didn’t feel like getting up, just listening to him talk to you was enough to keep you awake. He pulled you into his chest, the white sheets shifting as you two merged into each other. He was trying to convince you to go away with him, he was trying his hardest, but in your head you knew all along that you would go anywhere with him.
“Let’s go, come with me.” He kept repeating in your ear. You smiled to yourself because he was so persistent. “It’ll be worth it, I promise.” He carefully brushed your hair back through his fingers, gently kissing your forehead. You knew you could stay like this forever and be happy with him for the rest of your life. You both wanted the same things and shared the same ideas, it was insane that this conversation had even waited this long to present itself to the both of you. You felt as if this moment was a dream. That you had not fully awakened from a deep deep slumber and that you would wake up to find yourself alone under the covers.
“I want to show you everything.” He continually tried to convince you. You laughed to yourself and you felt him smile against your cheek. Finally you spoke up, only loud enough for him to hear.
Zayn: “Can I show you something?” He asked as you two walked back outside a random gas station in the middle of the desert. You two had been on the road for a few days now, driving till dusk and then stopping at the nearest rest stop to sleep. It wasn’t an ideal way of living, but you two didn’t care. You lived for the thrill of things, never sticking to what was considered normal. You hopped on the back of his bike, throwing on the helmet he had gotten just for you, and took off. You drove for about an hour, before pulling off the main road and towards a hidden canyon. He hopped off the bike and pulled you along with him. You followed him on a little path that led up to a ledge of rocks. He hops up on one and turns around to pull you up with him. You had gotten here right around sunset and the view was breathtaking. You closed your eyes and he watched as you took the moment in. He grabbed you face between his hands and kissed you on the lips.
“I need to tell you something.” He said as he got down on one knee. You laughed and looked up to the sky and then back down to him. He took off a gold chunky ring that you had seen him where ever since you had gotten together as you tucked a strand of hair behind your ear and stuck out your ring finger. He slipped on the ring, lifted you up and spun you around, bringing you back down to kiss all the way from your jaw to your neck. The next thing you knew, you were back on his Harley on your way to Vegas. You cruised down the strip passing by each hotel and drunk people on the sidewalk. You pulled into the first little chapel you found and practically ran inside. It was an impulse decision, but as you changed into the only white dress you had and came back out to wait for the ceremony to begin, you leaned into your lover and whispered “I’m ready.”
Louis: You ran and ran and ran until you couldn’t hear him screaming your name anymore. You silently teared up as you slid down a wall trying to catch your breath. You realized that this had been a mistake. You thought about how you would look back on this moment and realize had stupid and careless you had been to drop everything you had worked for to be with him. Everyone had told you that he was no good, that he would only end up getting you into trouble, but you didn’t care at the time. You wish you had, but everyone knew you didn’t. He was it for you, the one and only. You heard footsteps coming toward you. Knowing who it was, you stood up to meet the man you fell in love with. His hair was disheveled from driving in the convertible you two had taken on your journey. You stood there gazing at each other, his hands in his pocket, your arms folded across your chest. Not saying a word to each other you met in the middle his arms wrapping around your shoulders. You shut your eyes and let out a sigh of relief.
“I’m sorry.” You spoke into his denim jacket. “I trust you, I do, I just got scared.”
“Shhh it’s okay baby, no matter what happens, I got you yeah?” You smiled up at him, leaning up to kiss his stubbly chin.
“Yeah, I know.” You rested your head back to his chest staying in his warm embrace for a few more minutes. You knew everything with him would be alright in the end. You no longer took this leap of faith as a mistake, but as a blessing.
Liam: It was around 9 in the morning when you and Liam decided it was finally time to get up and get ready for the long drive you two had in front of you. You tossed everything out of your travel duffel trying to decide what to wear for the day. A shirtless Liam lay on the bed you two shared for the night watching your every move. He couldn’t resist not having his hands on you, as you were slipping on your dress, he jumped off the bed and wrapped his strong arms around your stomach. Swaying back and forth, he kissed your neck and spun you around.
“Dance with me love.” He smiled his big grin at you. You laughed and begun dancing, getting caught up in your own little world. You made your way over to the bed and lightly pushed him down. He laughed as you began kissing his chest all the way down to his belly button, bringing your lips back up to meet his, he pulled you down into the bed with him. You stayed like that for a good 20 minutes, when you sat up on your knees facing him. He leaned over to the side table grabbing your wide brim hat and set it on your head.
“I am completely, madly in love with you woman.” He said as he hit the brim of your hat with his knuckle. “You know I’m going to marry you right?” You tipped your head back in laughter.
“Don’t I get a say in this?” He leaned into your face as close as he could get and said: “All you have to do is say yes.”

1D preferences
FanfictionNot mine. All of them are from Tumblr but I thought they were so good that I had to share them here. :)