"Kiss it better"

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Niall: You could hear it from where you sat, studying, on the couch. A loud yell of, “Fuck, ow, what the fuck?” The volume, and urgency of the voice prompted you to head towards the kitchen, where Niall had been attempting to make a homemade pizza. He glanced up at you when you walked in, his lips closed around the tip of his index finger, the other hand running through his already messy hair. “Fuckin’ cut my finger!” He explained. You walked over to him, holding your breath as you looked at the surprisingly small cut. “‘S not so bad, Ni.” You told him, though he would not believe you. “It’s very bad. I need to go to hospital, in fact, I’m feelin’ faint right now.” You shook your head at him, and offered him a band aid. “Only if you kiss it better first.”

Harry: He was unbelievably energetic, practically bouncing up and down with sudden giddiness as you scrolled through your computer. “Baby?” He asked, though you ignored him. “Babeee” He drew out, coming to stand in front of you. “Do we have any yogurt?” He asked in a whining voice. You nodded, though you still wouldn’t look at towards him. He huffed in frustration, feeling neglected as he plopped himself beside you. “Babe,” He punctuated with a quick kiss, and then again, before finally you turned around, only in time for your jaw to hit his head, causing it to click together. “Ow, Harry, what the fuck?” You asked wrapping your hand around your chin. “Sorry,” He apologized immediately, eyes wide and biting his lip, “Didn’t mean to.” He paused, “Here, lemme kiss it better.”

Liam: You tripped over a stair, your knee landing hard on the ground, a stinging pain registering. You stared at your knee as the feeling continued to prompt you, and then you felt the warm, sticky sensation of blood clinging to your pants. “Shit!” Liam said, running up beside you and kneeling down, “You okay?” You simply shook your head, trying to stand back onto the pained leg, but being met with a sharp sting. “What did you hurt?” He asked, slightly out of breath, his lips parted, and his eyebrows raised. “M’ leg” You told him. He nodded, as he maneuvered you to sit on the stairs. He ran his finger over your jeans and sighed. “I could kiss it better, if you’d like.”

Louis: He didn’t mean to, really did not mean to push you over. He meant to hug you tight, maybe make you falter a bit, but he hadn’t expected you to just fall flat onto the floor, wrist breaking the fall and then craaack your wrist was broken. It took a second for you to realize it hurt, but once you did, it hurt so bad you couldn’t breathe. You started to say under your breath that you thought it was broken when Louis leaned down and grabbed the wrist, inspecting it without the knowledge of how badly it hurt. “Louis, Jesus, let go!” You yelled, and he dropped your hand as if it had burned him. God, he was doing everything wrong, wasn’t he. “I’m,” He closed his eyes, a blush setting over his cheeks, “I am so sorry, baby, oh my god, I did  not mean to hurt you, I. Are you okay, is it broken.” You nodded, shrugging a bit as you held the injured limb in front of you. “Fuck, okay, I’ll take you to the hospital. I just.” You sighed, feeling badly for your poor, disheveled, apologetic boyfriend. “Kiss it better first?” You suggested, causing a hesitant grin to once again take over his face.

Zayn: In retrospect, he had no clue how he could make the mistake, how he could try to catch a falling exactoknife, which was very obviously sharp. He realized his mistake when his skin began to sting. You watched in horror, eyes wide, as you stared at his frozen figure, his eyes cast towards his slightly-bleeding hand. “Zayn, are you okay, I could get gauze, or a towel?” You asked. “Doesn’t hurt too bad.” He told you, flipping his hair to the other side. “But, yeah, just, could you get maybe some gauze?” You nodded, your chair screeching as you went to get the medical supply, you kneeled beside him, applying Neosporin before beginning to wrap it. “Thanks,” He looked towards you, smiling slightly, “Maybe you could kiss it better, too”

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