Finally! I've quit AQW. As harsh as it may sound, there's a part of me that is joyous for finally quitting AQW. However, I have not quit totally. I've just opted not to do any storyline anymore and might log in if I find an event interesting. Other than that, I have quit the game.
It was yesterday when I finally realized that I stopped talking about AQW, thinking about AQW, or even seeing AQW on my monitor. It was then I decided that there was no more point for me to continue playing it for several reasons:
1. I'm 20 and playing such a stupid game that the company has now changed to target younger generations. It was time for me to finally outgrow the game and stop focusing most of my time on playing it.
2. Most of my friends in the game has quit or barely logs on, but either one eventually led me to quitting. They were the only reasons I continued playing it. I felt in my heart that there was a part of me that they could not accept anymore. I felt that I couldn't fully express my thoughts anymore.
3. I have other things to focus on now. Playing the game and constantly thinking about it before has delayed me from even trying to update several books I've wanted to continue. I was procrastinating on things that were more important than the game and I knew that it had to stop and so, I did.
Looking back at it, I didn't even last three full months of playing the game. I probably came close to three months which in all honesty, longer than I ever thought I would last after thinking about quitting after five weeks.
There will probably come a time when I would stop logging in also to participate in the events but for now, they will have to satisfy me until the events also become stale.
So to AQW, I bid you a Sayonara, Ciao, Paalam, Au Revoir, and Goodbye.