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You can play YOUR EYES TELL by BTS here💜


Jasmin's POV

I'm here in the second branch of our coffee shop called " BANGTAN'S HOME" I'm just sitting here in the corner while watching some videos of BTS. It's been 3 years since they've disbanded but I'm still hoping to meet them. I wonder what they're doing now. Maybe they are spending their times to their own family. My tears falls down while watching their last video together.


My phone suddenly rang...

I saw Yhen's Id on my screen.  She's calling

" Hey!  My devil friend"  she spoke

" Why are you calling all of a sudden?"  I annoyingly responded

" Why?  Are you busy? Huh? " she asked

" No! " I've lowered my voice

" Oh see!  Now come to our main branch coffee shop. Someone wants to meet you " she says

" Someone wants me to meet? " I whispered

" What? "

" Oh nothing, okay I'm on my way" I uttered

(Ended phone call)

I didn't notice the time...

I'm just sitting here and watching their ( BTS)  videos for 3 hours?

"I'll get going, Sophia!" I farewelled to the assigned staff here before I came out.

" Yes Ma'am, take care" she smiled

My phone is ringing...

It's Yhen again

" 야! 뭐 ? "

(Ya! Mwo?)
(Hey! What?)

" How many timesndo I have to tell you that I can't understand korean language? " she annoyously uttered.

She gets annoyed by talking her in korean language. So funny

" Why are you calling again? Huh? " I irritated asked

" Buy me some snacks,pleasee. I love you " she pleased ,acting aegyo

(Aegyo is like acting cute)

This devil! She's not even cute but trying hard to do aegyo.

" Aish!  Stop changing your voice like an innocent angel. You're such an evil brat for me" I laughed

" Hayst! You're so mean but I know you still buying me some snacks! "

" Aish!  Okay I'll hang it up " I annoyingly uttered


Jake's POV

It's been 5 years since I saw Jasmin. Is she doing good now?
I really miss her. It's been 5 years but I still love you

I got shocked when my phone rang all of a sudden.

It's Christian, my friend from high school

" Hello, bro " I spoke

" Are you back in the Philippines? " he asked

" Yeah!" I uttered

" That's a good timing. Why don't you join us? Some of our friends from high school invited me to have some snacks in the famous coffee shop here in Manila." he delightly uttered

" Sure, why not?  It's been 5 years also since we've hang out together." I didn't hesitate to accept his invitation


We're here in BANGTAN'S HOME. Bangtan?  I remember Jasmin. She's a die hard fan of them since middle school. She  rejected me a hundred times for her idols. How funny, but I'm still inlove with her.

" Is that Yhen? " one of my batchmate asked

"I'm pretty sure, it's Yhen. She's here?  How about Jasmin? "  I confusedly ask myself

Yhen's POV

I'm just sitting in the counter while browsing my phone. There's a group of guys came in.

"They look so familiar to me." I asked myself

"Oh yeah, our batchmate from high school! " I surprisingly said to myself

Jake is coming....

" Yhen?  I'm Jake,  do you still remember me? " he asked and smiles

" Of course! Jake from high school who fell in love with a fangirl and got rejected by her. How about you?  You seems you've changed a lot. You really look more handsome now" I teased him

He is a guy with a handsome face and who fell deeply in love with my best friend

" Yeah! Of course. How can I forgot the girl who helped me to get closer to her bestfriend? " we laughed

All our batchmates greeted me too.

LOVING YOU FROM FAR AWAY(BTS FF) JjkWhere stories live. Discover now