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You can play JUST ONE DAY by BTS here💜


Yhen's POV

I immediately dial Jasmin's phone

" Hey!  My devil friend"  I spoke as soon as she answered my call

" Why are you calling all of a sudden?"  she annoyingly responded

" Why?  Are you busy? Huh? " I asked

" No! " she've lowered my voice

" Oh see!  Now come to our main branch coffee shop. Someone wants to meet you " I said

I didn't heard what she've whispered

" What? " I asked

" Oh nothing, okay I'm on my way" she uttered

I'm craving some snacks now. I'm gonna call Jasmin to buy me some snacks.


" 야! 뭐 ? "

She's speaking korean words again and again. I don't know but it really annoys me. Maybe because it's hard for me to learn it but Jasmin learned it when she was just in high school

(Ya! Mwo?)
(Hey! What?)

" How many times do I have to tell you that I can't understand korean language? " I annoyously uttered.

" Why are you calling again? Huh? " she irritated asked

" Buy me some snacks,pleasee. I love you " I pleased her and doing aegyo

" Aish!  Stop changing your voice like an innocent angel. You're such an evil brat for me" she laughed

" Hayst! You're so mean but I know you still buying me some snacks! "

" Aish!  Okay I'll hang it up " she annoyingly uttered

Jasmin's POV

" I'm here! " I suddenly shouted, then a group of boys in the left side looks at me.

"Wait, they look very familiar to me. Are they? "  I'm curiously asking myself

Then Yhen calls me...

" Jas! "

" Oh here's your snacks! " I handed a plastic bag to her.

" Thanks for this, but let me introduce you to our boys batchmates in high school. " she grabbed my hand

Then one guy stood up...

" Hi Jasmin,  Long time no see. You've really changed a lot." he smiled

It's Jake.

I just smiled and greeted the others.

After reminiscing our memories in high school and making fun with each others, we closed the coffee shop and heading at home.

LOVING YOU FROM FAR AWAY(BTS FF) JjkWhere stories live. Discover now