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You can play SPRING DAY by BTS here💜


Jungkook's POV

It's been 3 years since we've been parted as a group. Me and hyungs rested for 3 years and try to hide ourselves from media. Living my life without medias and without any attention of people is like a heaven but I miss Armys so much. We miss them so much.

I'm heading at Namjoon Hyung's house...

--------------- TIME SKIP ----------------

" Jungkook ah! " Jin hyung shouted

" Hyung! " I smirked and smiled at him

" Jimin is late again. That man never changed! " Namjoon hyung uttered

Suddenly Jimin hyung came up

" I'm here! " he shouted while wearing his lovely smile.

" You're late for 43 seconds." Suga hyung calmly said

" How did you know hyung? " Hobi hyung asked and laughs so hard

" I just know it" Suga hyung uttered

" Hilarious! " V hyung uttered and laughed

I missed this so much. Bonding with hyungs are the most memorable in my life. I missed all those episodes of rookie king, Bon voyage, Run BTS and other shows we've filmed together.

" Why are we here Namjoon hyung? V hyung asked

" Okay, I've prepared this meeting last month. I'm just wondering how will you guys feel if we will prepare our come back?" Namjoon hyung says

" You mean, you want us to go back in music industry? As BTS? " Jimin hyung asked

" That's not good idea Yoonie. We have our own family now! " Jin hyung protested

" I'm not married yet hyung! " I declined, Hobi hyung laughed

" Oh! Yeah I forgot! " Jin hyung uttered

" Guys that's not what I mean. I'm just thinking why don't we have prepare a reunion concert for Armys? " Namjoon hyung said

" That's good idea! " Hobi hyung agreed

" I miss Ami! " Suga hyung pouted

" But Namjoon hyung, do you think they still remembered us? I asked

" I don't think so. " V hyung sadly uttered

" Of course! They still love us. Armys miss us so much, and I know you guys miss them too. I miss them too!" Namjoon hyung calmly uttered

After our meeting, I decided to come to Han river where a place I used to visit.


I'm just sitting in unoccupied bench. There's no one  here so I feel so comfortable but I didn't get off my mask and hat.

----------------  TIME SKIP -----------------

I noticed someone is coming. She sat in a bench 2 meters away from me. I gues she didn't know that there's a person nearby. She wrote something in a notebook and she used her phone's light because it's pretty dark in this spot. After she wrote, she played a song.

Oh! Is this my original song? I'm confused

Then I heard the first verse, so it's mine. Woah!  Is she an Army? She started to sing along. I was surprised by her voice. Is that an angel? Maybe she is a singer, but I don't know her. She has a beautiful face too. She looks like a korean but her eyes are big and her nose are pointed. Maybe she's half korean. I can see her face because of the lights coming from her phone. She suddenly stop singing and looking around. Is she feel my presence? I stood up quickly and she suddenly shouts

" Omo! Aish! Seriously?! You startled me! "

Maybe she got scared of me.

" 미안합니디 실레합니디" I bowed, acting politely and apologizing sincerely

(Mianhamnida, Silliehamnida)
(I'm sorry,  Excuse me)

She remained silent.

I haven't waited her response and I decided to go home

My phone rang abruptly...

" Where are you?" she asked as soon as I answered her call

" I'm here at Han river, why? " I asked her

" You should go home now and rest." she calmly uttered

" Okay! Bye take care. "

(Phone call ended)


(Nearby grocery store) .....

I'm about to get my purse in my pant's pocket but there's no purse here. I tried to find it on my car but I've seen nothing. I panicked and came back to Han river.

---------------- TIME SKIP ----------------

" Oh here! Thank God! " I uttered as soon as I saw my purse.

I noticed the girl was already gone. I saw something in the bench where she have besitted. It's a small notebook and I'm pretty sure that this is belongs to that girl.



Author's note : Hi Audies! Sorry for the grammatical errors and missed type words. Sorry if you find my story boring. I'm just trying to make it realistic that's why. This is my first time to write a story so I hope you will like it, if you do kindly share this to your friemd and support me as a writer. I'll do my best to improve my writing skills especially writing in an English story or a fan fiction. Please be patient 😪😌 Feel free to correct me if I did something wrong.😪❤

ou can vote this also😌❤

I'll update you Audies as soon as possible but for now I can't continue this due to my busy schedules as a student😪❤
I love you Audies! TAKE CARE!

Ph army 💜

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