08.) Where am I?

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April 22, 1953

I've been meditating for a few days now. So now I have been going to a new assignment. It's not anywhere on Earth I know that for sure, it's somewhere else. No one can see me no one can touch me no one can even hear me. This world though is much like Earth. People breathe air and eat the same food and everything. Though there are large differences, for starters there's such thing as magic here. It's also something that is a gift. You either have a high Affinity or you don't. That doesn't mean you can't learn basic magic, it just means you can't learn advanced magic.

They speak a variant of English, I didn't expect that at all. A man and the kid are talking. The kid had black hair with glowing green eyes. He was around eight or nine and from his worn clothes, he was a lower class. His eyes were lonely, I noticed probably because of his heritage. His pointed ears and pale skin reminded me of something I just don't know what. 'Hey, boy did you know the legendary heroes are coming to the city?' I turn to the darkened blacksmith, his long Graybeard and pale skin told a story. His black skin reminded me of my father, he had a huge smile and was always positive. It was like another version of my father. 'Well mister I heard they were coming but I don't know why.'

Well, I heard something about a battle coming to the area.' The little boy then yelled, 'so that's why you're here?' He smiles and says 'keep it a secret.' my interest was piqued and I decided I should take more notes of this world. Mainly the weaponry, I am going to need to be familiar and it's not every day I'm going to get an opportunity to see what the main Weaponry of this world is. If I discover any more tidbits I'll make a note of them. I'll have to also see if my reality engine works out here.

As I wait I take more notes, swords are the most common weapon for standard civilians are clubs and farming equipment. They also have little to no knowledge of magic. They have a mana pool that they rely on within themselves. I have been following The Legendary Heroes to their next location, they have a wide range of weapons. Although it's only four of them, one woman and three men. One of them was an elf, his pale skin with his long blond hair was a dead giveaway. I don't know why elves like to have long hair. Along with that, he used a staff with a crystal and combat bracers. He seems to be a mage that specializes in close-quarters combat also.

There was another one with firing orange hair, he also had reddish-brown eyes to match it. I heard him talk a few times and it seems like he was always yelling his words, something I don't think I've ever used to. His silver armor glistened in the light, and I saw his sword there was a light that came off of it.

The sorcerer and the Warrior seem to be good friends. There was another Warrior with them, his armor was a white silver, it gleamed brighter than the Warriors. He had black hair with cold blue eyes. He was quiet and didn't say too much it was clear he was the leader. He also seemed to have the woman chasing behind him. I noticed she was another mage, although she seems to be from royalty. I saw a bow at her side too, it was quite surprising. Her clothing was practical in its design. It was tight-fitting and had armor on her chest legs and forearms. I am surprised they had a well-rounded-out. Everyone was either up good at close-quarters combat or long-range.


"I feel weird, Do any of you feel weird?" I ask the others, 'Well I hope it wasn't dragon boar you ate.' I smile and say "I'm not the one who went back for seconds but it's not that." Her face turned a bright red, it's then that Aiwin said, 'yeah I feel like I'm being watched.' I'm glad I'm not alone in this feeling I thought I was going insane. 'I have a feeling we are being watched by unseen eyes.' Ivar said while he kept walking. 'It could be the eyes of the creator, maybe they are looking at us.' Ivar said while holding his blade. I'm surprised he is still fervent in his beliefs, though I am happy he is despite him not getting the sword he believed he was destined for.

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