40: Montheria Chrocnicles Part iv

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I hope I made it in time and I hope his arm is reattached. I don't know the limits of my healing magic, I really don't. I knew what I had to do, I had to put her down and I didn't have but a choice but to do it myself. I would have thought they could handle it themselves, but I was wrong.

How were they all this weak? How were they all dying to such trivial attacks? It wasn't like she was hard to kill, the problem was that she was gifted and she knew how to use it. but I thought wielders of legendary weapons would just be as good. I was wrong, very wrong. and I would have to pay for this. They were all weak and they all broke apart to the slightest damage and now we were in danger of losing but not while I was still standing, not while I could still fight.

'Judas, help. It's Coal.' I hear Aiwin yell and then I see it. Coal's eyes were completely dilated, he wasn't conscious, was he? No, I think he lost himself in battle and that's when it all finally hit. These guys were still rookies, they killed the other demon general by sheer luck and they were barely able to stand against him before. As I began to see Coal lashing out at everything, I saw that he was somewhere else but he was fighting.

As the same bear that was mauling him attacked again, I could see Coal put his hand inside of the armor-bear's mouth and rip the armor-bear's jaw clean off. As the jaw was off, I put myself back in the battle. The first thing I did was coordinate with Liemaz, Liemaz has been taking out all of the much more dangerous opponents. The only one she had left was O'Ryin, something about his story seemed tragic. Something about O'Ryin reminded me of what I'd lost.

He was a good man when he died but the truth of the matter was O'Brien died because he did horrible things. O'Ryin died because he was being a good friend to Ivar but I know there's more to it. Cozbi looked like she knew something. AS Liemaz began to coordinate with me, I could see that she killed more than half of her elite puppets. 'When are we going to start to wrap this fight up soon? They're at their limit.' I hear her say.

It's then that I say, "I know but the entire point was for us to make it seem like the legendary warriors were still strong. All this would prove is if information gets out is that they're weak as hell." 'That's not far from the truth.' She says in a sarcastic tone. As I saw that she was far away from the battlefield and her elite puppets were down to four, I realized I had no choice. We were already going to lose, all it was going to take was for one of them or one of the healers to die.

"Do we have a sleeping spell you can cast?" I say to her. She smiles as she says, 'I was wondering when we were going to deal with this seriously. Yes, we do.' "Good. Everybody, form on Coal." As everyone got closer, the only stray was Coal but I saw that Aiwin was able to call him back with his telepathy and Coal followed. The two need to get a room, I think to myself. But isn't this how Anastasia and I are? It was always interesting to see others in love. It reminded me of what I had lost, the first time, and what I would die to protect.

As they all get closer to Coal, and they're all together, I tell Liemaz to do it. "Cast sleep." As they all slowly fell to their knees, I could see her laughing, Puppetria. There was nothing else to do but to silence her. 'You fools think you can beat me?' It was then that I heard a mental scream, one of a level I didn't want to hear. As I turned around, I saw it. Ivar and Cozbi were still standing by sheer force of will and then I saw it, Aiwin was getting up too and Coal didn't even look phased by the spell.

Then I heard their thoughts, 'I know we're not the strongest. I know we could die here and I know we're holding you back but please give us this chance to keep fighting.' As they kept fighting, I could see something else. Their eyes had a blue hue around them as they all began to unleash a blue aura coming from all of them. At that moment, Puppetria began to attack them and with one of her elite puppets, I realized she did something far more dangerous than I thought she would do. It took me far too long to realize this, but she had managed to improve the puppets that I had destroyed, and I saw the rapid improvements in them. What did she do to improve them so well?

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