Training skills but helpless mentality

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This James

Zadok grabs John's hand and takes him outside of his house

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Zadok grabs John's hand and takes him outside of his house. The outside looked gloomy and gray but at the same time peaceful. "It's beautiful isn't John even when looks like the world is in despair but it the vibe that it's peaceful," Zadok says. "Where are we right now"? John asks. "We are 16 miles away from Wellston.". That's 4 hours away from here" John looks at Zadok. Where we're going is going to be even farther from here" Zadok replies.

John saw the scar on his wrist and had another flashback of his suicide attempt. "There's something I wanna ask you?" John was curious. "Ask away" Zadok smiles.
"Back in my room, I saw a portal two people coming out. One of them was you but who was the other guy?" John stares at Zadok with curiosity. " Oh him he's my loyal assistant that portal was his ability. Anything else you want to know" Zadok asked.

"No I have no questions for now" John turns his head. " Feel free to ask me anything my little rebel" Zadok walks to his car still holding John's hand. "Where are we going?" John asked. "Before we start the assembly we should do some training" Zadok gets in the car and John does the same.

Zadok drives west and as he was driving John stared at the window looking at trees as he slowly falls asleep. Zadok looks at John sleeping face and he gives him a head pat. "Don't worry John I'll make you a warrior and save you from this wretched world."

5 hours later they arrive at their destination and John wakes up. "Wha?" John mumbles in a sleepy tone. Get up John we're here" Zadok shakes John's shoulder. They get out of the car "Where are we?" John gazes at the scenery. "We're at a canyon which is a perfect place to train. Sure you're already strong but there's always room for improvement" Zadok said.

"We're going to train? But why?" John asks. Simple. Because you need to get stronger so you can join the assembly and we can achieve changing society." Zadok pulls John closer to the canyon. A portal appears out of nowhere. "What the-" John uses his arm to cover his face from the bright light. A man with brown hair and green eyes comes out of the portal. "Is that the other man who showed up in my room?" John thought.

"John I like you to meet my loyal assistant, James he will be helping us if we need anything" Zadok introduces James. "Hello, nice to make your acquaintance, John. James bows to John. "Hey" John greets James back. "Now that we greeted each we now start training. First, let's increase your hand-to-hand combat ability" Said Zadok.

"Go ahead and show me what you got, John" Zadok giving John a come here hand. John runs towards John and tries to kick Zadok but he dodges it and tries counterattacks with a punch then John pushes his arm and kneed him in his chest. "Guh!" Zadok grunts. John tries to punch but Zadok catches his arm, kicked his leg, and pinned John down with one arm behind John's back. "Urgh" John grunts.

"I'll admit my little rebel you got some skills and I'm impressed to hear you had this skill at such a young age," Zadok says.
"Tch" John pulls Zadok's hair making him let go of his arm. "Ow!" Zadok yells, Zadok tries to punch John then grab his arm, swung him around, pinned him, and locked his arm the same trick he did with Tanner and Blyke. "Oh what an impressive trick, boy. I guess that means I have to stop going easy on you" Zadok uses his leg and swept John off his feet.

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