Chapter Fourteen: What Hurts The Most

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What hurts the most

Was being so close

And having so much to say

And watching you walk away

And never knowing

What could have been

And not seeing that loving you

Is what I was tryin’ to do

~Whats Hurts The Most: Rascal Flats~

Warning: Gonna be a sad chapter! So please be grabbed some tissues and be ready. SO once again gonna be a sad chapter, and your gonna find out some new things so please red this here, don't skip this chapter, it's gonna be a biggie! Kay, so here it is!

Bricks POV

I rubbed my eyes and got up. I made my bed, making sure the pillows was in the right place. I fix the blankets where it folded just right, I cough in my arm, and I put some hand santizer. 

I grabbed my red towel and turned on the shower where it turn luke warm. I nodded and strip down, and got in. I washed my orange hair with Butch's apple shampoo. I rinsed it out and grabbed Boomer's ocean conditer, they know I use theirs so calm down. I grabbed my vanilla scented bodywash, and washed my body. I rinsed it off and turned on the cold water. I stand in there for a minute and turned off the water. I grabbed the towel and dried myself off. I walked over to my closet and pulled out black skinny jeans with holes in the knees, I grabbed my red t-shirt with Spider-man face was on it. 

I brushed my hair, and grabbed my red/black baseball hat. I grabbed a few of red and black bracelets and slipped on my red converses. I walked out and saw Blossom and Bubbles walking to the lunchroom. I jogged over and saw Boomer and Butch walking towards the courtyard. I raised my eyebrow, and broke my usaul thing and jogged over to my brothers. I saw them looking at a man, I looked closer and saw Dad. I gribbed the railing and my left hand slapped over my chest, I ran over to Blossom and Bubbles. 

"Hey Brick." They choursed together.

"Hi." I said as I caught my breath.

"Wha's wrong?" Blossom asked, she's been happier since the drop from the cliff really.

"Nothing just forgot to do something." I ied, and she nodded and rubbed my arm.

"Well, maybe you can overcome your OCD." She said as we grabbed our trays. I nodded and coughed in my arm again, she looked over. I shooked my head and grabbed the fruit bowl and we walked over our usaul table. I looked down at my food, and sighed. 

Why would Dad be here? He never came before, well for me he hasn't. Maybe he's here just for my brothers. I frowned and rubbed my face. I coughed again and took a bite of the cherry. Maybe he can't stand me, maybe my OCD is affecting everyone here. I mean we have been doing the same thing everyday.

Always take a shower, warm water first than cold. Always wears red and black, runs up to Blossom and Bubbles, always grabs the fruit bowl. I frowned and coughed, but this time I couldn't stop. I was coughing and nurses came up to help me. THinking I was choking on the cherry, buit no. My lungs felt they was closing up. 

I finally stop and the nurses gave me some pills. I frowned and took them. Blossom rubbed my back, I smiled and rubbed my temples. My ears was ringing, and they wouldn't stop. I got up and walked to the bathroom. I walked over the toliet and puked. I puke up some cherries and some blood. I wiped my mouth and frowned. I flushed the toliet and walked towards the lunchroom, that was a mistake it was cherries. Yeah, cherries.

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