Chapter Ten ~Rejects~

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What was I thinking?

Everyone sees it

It’s not a secret

That I’m just a reject

Sick of the system

Don’t wanna hear it

It’s not a secret

That I’m just a reject

I’m just a reject

~ Reject: 5 Seconds of Summer~

Warning:  May cause triggering and sucidail thoughts. So please make sure your no where anything that could hurt you. I can't stand knowing one of you lovies got hurt. So please make sure, please.

Blossoms POV

I walked down the hall, its 5am and I can't sleep. I put my hand on the wall and walked and walked. Letting my feet take me where they want to go. I opened the door and saw the roof, I walked over and the wind blew, making my body shiver.

I walked towards the edge and closed my eyes. I hate my body, it's to fat. It's so huge, it's horrible. My thighs don't have a thigh gap, my knees touch. I have stretch marks everywhere. I have a triple chin, I have arm flabs. 

I hate my face, I'm not pretty. I'm ugly, I can't stand looking in the mirror. I want to die, end my pain. My fat, worthless, ugly, self should disspear. I don't want to be here, can I just fall and disspear. 

I hate my voice. I hate my eyes. I hate my hair. I hate myself. I want to be pretty, skinny, worth sommething, I want to look in the mirror and smile, be happy with myself. I walked closer towards the edge, I opened my eyes and smiled. I looked down and leaned over. 

I felt arms wrapped around my waist and got pulled back. I looked up to see Brick's worried eyes. I wided my eyes, and looked around, No, that didn't just happen.

"Ssh, everything will be ok." Brick cooed and rocked me.

"Brick, please don't tell me that almost happen." I said as tears slid down my face.

"It wasn't your fault. It's the disorder." Brick said as I shooked my head.

"Yes it was." I said as I started to punch his chest. He just held me and cooed sweet things, rubbing myback. I cried and cried, feeling so empty. I shivered and Brick picked me up, he carried me to the hall, and saw people coming out for breakfest. I hid my face in his chest and he walked back to the my bedroom. He layed me on my bed, he turned to leave, but my hand caught his wrist.

"Can you please stay?" I asked him.

"Sure." Brick said as he climbed in. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close. His fingers traced my scars on my wrist. 

"Why?" Brick asked softy.

"I felt alone, like a reject. I just felt like I didn't matter, I wanted to go away. Be like a ghost, just dispeared. Then no one would pretend to care about me." I said as tears threaten to fall down.

"I care for you. I will never let you leave, I'll let you just fall into my arms, not letting anyone hurt you." Brick whrispered as he laced his hand with mine.

"You'll leave. Everyone leaves." I whrispered, he shooked his head and moved a piece of my bangs.

"Not everyone." He whrispered.

Buttercups POV

I walked into the lunchroom, taking my tray. It had on fruits and a pancake. I frowned and sat next to Kuriko and Ken. They smiled and I nodded.

"Do you know Butch?" Ken asked.

"Yeah, why?" I asked as I poke my fruits.

"He always talks about you, well he talks to himself about you." Kuriko said as she passed her plate towards Ken. Ken shooked his head and gave it back to her, she frowned. I laughed slighty and took a bit from my strawberry, my stomach twisted and my throat closed up. I gagged and got up. I frowned and starting to eat my pancake, I finshed half till my stomach turned and throat was burning. I got up and jogged towards the bathroom.

I ran towards the stalls and sat over a toliet. I puke out all the food, not stopping. My throat was burning, I puke out my food from yesterday, not caring if Butch would be sad. I wanted to lose some calories. My throat burnede, and my stomach felt empty. I flushed the toliet and walked over to the mirror. I stared at my reflection. 

My pale peachy skin, my dull lime green eyes. I shooked my head and turned on the water. I put my hands under the cold water and rinsed my face. I sighed and turned off the water. I walked out and saw Butch walking my lunchroom. I gasped and ran towards it, I saw him talkikng to Ken and Kuriko. I sighed and walked towards.

"Where did you go?" Butch asked me.

"Had to check on Bubbles." I lied as I shrugged my shoulders. He narrowed his eyes and grabbed my hand. He pulled me towards the exit, he walked into his lunchroom. I gulped and he pulled me to Bubbles and Boomer.

"Did Buttercup came to check up on you?" Butch asked, I looked at Bubbles with pleading eyes.

"Yeah, why?" Bubbles said as Boomer wided his eyes. He jumped up and pulled Butch away from me. He started to dragged Butch towards the door, Butch eyes turned darker and he started to thrashed.

"You whores lied!" Butch yelled as everyone turned towards us. 

"Butch!" Boomer pleaded as Butch snapped his head towards Boomer.

"I'm not Butch! I'm Brad you worthless bitch!" Butch yelled at Boomer. Nurses ran in and pulled Boomer away.

"Wait! He didn't mean it!" Boomer yelled as he pushed his way towards the nurses. I looked back at Bubbles who was biting her lip. I frowned and grabbed her arm, I walked passed the nurses and walked into the hallway.

Bubbles POV

"What was that about?" I asked Buttercup as she sighed.

"I lied to Butch." She said as I face palmed.

"You know you can't do that." I said as she looked down at her shoes.


"Then why?"

"I puked."

"Why didn't you come get Bloosom, or I?" 

"I was scared."

"You shouldn't be."

"I know." She said as they pulled out a sleeping Butch. I looked and saw Boomer coming out with a sad expression. I ran towards him and he looked a me.

"What happen?" Buttercup asked as Boomer looked down the hall.

"If he has another lash out, he'll be sent to a more advaced hostipal." Boomer said as his voice cracked. I laced my hand into Boomer's and he looked up at me. I smiled and Buttercup ran down the hall.

"I'm sorry." Boomer said.

"Why?" I asked him.

"For being here."

"Well I'm glad your here."

"Well I don't know if I am."

"Why do you say that?"

"Sometimes I feel like a reject." Boomer said as he started to walk down the hall. I stared at his disspearing body, I sighed and rubbed my arms.

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