Chapter Four~ Please Dont Leave Me

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Buttercups POV

I woke up in a white room. I bit my lip and saw a metal door, and a white desk with a black bookshelf. I looked down at my hands and saw a white braclet.

'Patient Name: Buttercup
Process: Unstable
When out of the hostipal: Maybe Never.' I read it over and over again.

I shooked my head and screamed.

"Please! Let me out! I have to see Bubbles and Blossom!" I yelled as I bang on the metal door. I let some tears fall down my face.

"Please." I whrispered. I layed on the door, and closed my eyes.

"Made a wrong turn once or twice." I sang softly. I let more tears fell down my face. I finally got up and walked over to the bed. I let my small pale legs swing over the bed. I layed my raven black hair on the pillow.

"Please dont leave me." I whrispered, in the air. Yes, I do believe in God. I always knew he was here for me, and I always said those words to him.

I let my eyes close and layed on my side. I let the darkness take over.

Bubbles POV

I woke up alone in my room. I frowned, knowing that I have to face the day alone. My small pale frame, got of the bed and walked over to the closet.

I picked out a light bluendress with long selves and white flats. I slip my clothes on and flats. The breakfest bell rung, I peeked my head out and saw everyone was gone. I took a deep breath and walked out.

I walked in the lunchroom, and got in the line.

"Hey Bubbles." I heard a male voice said. I turned and saw Boomer. I smiled.

"Hey Boomer." I said as I grabbed my tray. He smiled and hummed a tune. I saw his two brothers behind him, grabbing a tray and looking down at the floor. I grabbed a bowl of oatmeal and water. I walked out and sat at the table, without Blossom.

I stared at my food and heard someone sit infront of me. I looked up and saw a girl. She smiled, but had a look in her brown eyes.

"Hey." She said as I waved.

"You know, that you dont belong here. Your, lets say freak, and no one likes a freak." She said as my heart raced.

My breathing became uneven. She smirked and walked off with two other girls. I heard voices all around me.





"Just disspear." One whrispered. I shooked my head, and started to screamed. Everyone turned to me, I felt soft warm hands on my arms. I turned to see soft dark blue eyes.

"Ssh, everything is gonna be ok." The person infront of me said. I gulped and fell down. My knees hit the hard floor, and felt myself being picked up.

I was swinging, and closing my eyes. I want to dispear and never come back.

Blossoms POV

I heard Bubbles, screaming. I jumped up and pulled out the needles. I hissed and grabbed my black boots and ran out the door.

"Blossom!" I heard a voice say. I keot running, trying to find Bubbles. Wheres Buttercup? Are they ok? Did I break my promise? Those questions kept running through my head and I dodge the nurses and docters.

I ran into a buff chest. I fell down, and looked up. I saw Bricks red eyes boring into mine. I jumped up and hugged him. He seem shock but hugged me back.

"Wheres Bubbles? Buttercup?" I asked as he bit his lip.

"Boomer is with Bubbles, and Buttercup got taken to the white room." Brick said as I started to paced.

"No, Buttercup cant be there." I said.

"And you shouldnt be here, walking around when you should be laying down."

"Im fine, I just hit my head."

"Thats it, you could have a cuncussion."

"I promise, im fine." I said as grabbed his hands. He smiled and nodded.

"Hungry?" He asked.

"Yeah." I said as he wrapped his arm around my shoulders. We walked in the lunchroom and a table of girls glared at me. I shrugged it off and saw our table had a single tray. I gulped. Where are you Bubbles?

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