The Moon is Full

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The skies dimmed to a dusty blue as the full moon climbed higher. Kaho closed the windows shut and drew the blinds to distract herself. Sakura's room was comforting with pastel walls and adorable plush toys but her worries kept her at unease.

All of the members with magical abilities had left on their journey to confront Ayumi. All of them, except Kaho.

"Are you feeling cold? Do you want some warm tea?" Yukito's image asked gently, his eyes lit with a different kind of glimmer.

Kaho looked at her child sleeping on the bed peacefully. When she heard about the incident that took place and the wounds that were inflicted on Eriol, she couldn't stop herself from rushing to Japan to make sure that he was okay. If her health permitted, she would have followed him through the trail as well, but her body wasn't strong or youthful anymore.

"I don't..." She answered with an absent mind.

"Don't worry Miss Mizuki. I believe in my master's powers, they will all come home safely."

The door opened with a click and a tall figure entered the room. Touya looked at both of them, a little surprised. He placed the comforter he was carrying beside the sleeping girl.

"We had some baby blankets in our cupboards. They should be warm enough for her." He spoke in his monotonous tone.

"Thank you." Mizuki smiled at him.

Touya looked at Yukito who was standing quietly in a corner of the room with his hands before him.

"She thought she could pull off this trick again?" He sighed and crossed his arms.

The Mirror Card dressed as Yukito stood rubbing her toes together. In all these years, she never understood how each and every time she took someone else's form, Touya could see right through her.

"Master thought... you would be less worried this way..." She fumbled as her cheeks tinted in red.

Touya sighed and bent his head back. Sometimes he did miss Sakura sneaking out at night.


The moonlight banished all shadows with its icy glow as twilight came to an end. Eriol was certain Ayumi would lurk where they last met her, and he was right as they all could sense something unusual in the air.

The apartment was swirling with raging energies, powers that could not be seen by human vision but could only be resonated by other magical beings.

"Across this door, the vortex opens", Yue spoke calmly with his arms crossed.

"This was it where it had started and where it would end." Sakura thought to herself.

Crows cawed as they hurried to their homes and cold winds blew down from the sky. Sakura walked to the front and held onto the door knob firmly.

Syaoran drew out his sword with a wisp and his eyes glowed in amber. Eriol was standing right beside them with his gentle smile and cracked staff.

"Let's teach this kid a lesson." Kero laughed as he floated mid air.

Spinel Sun scoffed at his confidence.

"Please keep Sakura safe." Tomoyo held onto her coat as she shivered behind them.

"Syaoran don't you dare fail this time." Meilin nudged him as she stood beside Tomoyo however he was too enveloped in his own anxieties to listen.

Sakura waited for Eriol's cue and unlocked the door with a click as he nodded.

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