The Case of Two Tomoyos

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"Ugh... Why doesn't the day get over already?" Sakura sighed as she played with the pencil in her fingers. The black bow on her head framed the tufts of hair on both sides of her face perfectly.

"Geez Sakura its just Tuesday. How will you survive the rest of the week?" Miku scoffed as she balanced a tray with two ice cream sundaes on it.

Sakura sighed heavily as she went to arrange the cleaned cups on the shelf. Now that the wedding was over and there was nothing she was looking forward to, she found the chores even more taxing. She turned back to look at Miku who was serving the customers with a bright smile on her face.

"How do you do it Miku? Manage this job so well?" She asked with a hint of innocence.

"How do you do it Miku? Manage this job so well?" She asked with a hint of innocence

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Miku stood beside Sakura helping her organize the washed cutlery.

"It might come as a surprise... But I actually enjoy doing this..." Miku confessed.


"You know... Meeting new people, seeing old faces, finding out how they've been... Observing what people do... Working in a team... A cafe is the best place to do all that. Besides, its also helping me save up for my further studies. What about you? I'm sure even you have things that you really like about this place." Miku carefully arranged the spoons in sets of three based on their size.

Sakura looked at Miku's well shaped pastel coral nails, then glimpsed at her own roughly cut claws and pondered about the question.

Sakura looked at Miku's well shaped pastel coral nails, then glimpsed at her own roughly cut claws and pondered about the question

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"I guess it covers my rent just fine?" She answered nervously not finding any other reason.

"Then you must have a side hustle?"

"A side hustle?" Sakura sounded clueless.

"Like something you enjoy doing outside of work."

"Uhhhh... I'm not sure..."

"Sakura, you're supposed to be an adult. You need to figure these things out. If you don't like anything about this job, then why are you still working here?" Miku sighed and went forward to the newly occupied table with a menu card.

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