House of Li

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Yelan Li sat outside her mansion, peacefully enjoying the warm autumn sun in her beautiful garden. Her slender porcelain white fingers held the fragile pages of an old book she was reading. Syaoran's fascination for old scripts came from his mother, who loved collecting vintage books and ancient scrolls even in scripts she couldn't read.

Her tall stature had grown a little thinner, and her eyes a little sunken with age, but she still had the mystical beauty in her eyes that was so cold yet enchanting.

Occasionally she would close the book, remove her reading glasses and close her eyes to listen to the rustle of the dry leaves and feel the weakening strength of the sun's rays on her face

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Occasionally she would close the book, remove her reading glasses and close her eyes to listen to the rustle of the dry leaves and feel the weakening strength of the sun's rays on her face.

Sheifa walked hurriedly, crossing the perfectly maintained gardens, which seemed to stretch across eternity. Yelan could sense the presence of a person even from far away, and she opened her eyes slowly.

"Mother, you have a visitor." Sheifa spoke in an exhausted breath.

"Who is it?"

"It's Sakura's elder brother."


Touya sat with his eyes fixed on the door while Yukito sipped tea from the fine china cup. The room was ornamented with a large collection of traditional painting scrolls, authentic sculptures and symbols. The living room was the exact opposite of what Kinomoto residence looked like, which was minimalistic and homely.

For some reason Touya felt a little uncomfortable in the room with a thousand dragon heads looking at him. He felt a similar kind of discomfort when he went to a graveyard and could sense a crowd of dead spirits looking at him.

"Welcome. This is your second time visiting us. I hope you are doing well." Yelan spoke as she sat on her wooden chair, placed just opposite to the couple.

"We're here on a vacation for a while so we thought about coming for a visit. We met Li-kun back in Japan. He seems to have taken after you in his height. He's grown to become such a wonderful young man, so polite and courteous." Yukito let out a warm smile.

" Yukito let out a warm smile

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