Chapter 5 Pt 6- The trial continues

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Y/n: I'm sorry, but there are just too many holes in this theory of yours

Kuroo: I guess so

Osamu: ...

Kuroo: ... Look I'm sorry, I just don't wanna die today you know

Osamu: I forgive you... But I won't next time

Kuroo: hehe...

Bokuto: so if osamu didn't put the remote there, then who did?

Tendou: did you see anybody throw something in there?

Osamu: no, I didn't hear anything hit the ground either

Bokuto: so then, how'd it end up in the gym?


Tendou: oh! Y/n-chan did you figure something out??

Y/n:it's about earlier on before the bodies were discovered

Y/n:I haven't told anybody this yet, but MonoMolten spoke to me during that time

Kuroo: he did?!

Y/n:yeah...he said "Sometimes when your too focused on the bigger picture, you don't realise that the answer could be right in front of you. But at the time you we're just blind to see it"

Y/n: at the time I thought he was just being weird, after all he said he had read it the other day

Y/n: but the more I think about it, in positive it was a clue...

Bokuto: in what way?

Kuroo: the answer could be right in front of you..? What does that mean?

Y/n: well, where did we find the remote?

Osamu: in the gym...

Y/n:...and...who else did we find in the gym...?

Bokuto: Atsumu?

Y/n: if the remote wasnt put in there after we found him, then the only option is that it was already in there...

Tendou: which means...

Osamu: ..!

Y/n: what if Atsumu had the remote..?

Osamu: he kille Ushijima? You have to be kidding me..

Osamu: he's an asshole but he wouldn't go that far-

Tendou: but when you put it like that...

Tendou: we didn't get a motive today, did we?

Kuroo: yeah? What about it?

Y/n: last night, Atsumu was the last one to leave the trial grounds

Y/n: at first I didn't think much of it, but what if MonoMolten gave him a motive

Y/n: things have probably been going quite slowly for him up to this point, it would make sense to want to add in some drama and speed things up

Kuroo: which would explain why he had the button in the first place!

MonoMolten: ...

Osamu: there's no way he would kill somebody...

Bokuto: unless he was pressured to by the motive

Tendou: I'm gonna take a guess here, the motive was probably that if he didn't spice things up, osamu would be the one punished

Osamu: ..!

Y/n: also, is it just me or does it feel like the clues were given to us very easily..?

Kuroo: easily?

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