Chapter 6 Pt 7- its finally over

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Nishinoya laughed, an evil, despair inducing laugh. That made all of us look with worry. It went on for a minute before he stopped. Turning to face all of us with a smile. That damned smile.

"No matter what you do, despair won't fail, it will always win"

I watched him pull out a remote from his pocket. Pressing a button that cause screens to appear. Showing us our worst nightmare.

Riots, murder, fires, destruction. Everything.

"This is the world you once called home. Thanks to us, it's no longer a shithole. Would you take a look at that beauty!"

Nishinoya smiled, as I felt the others slowly move closer to me, huddling us all up together. As we were afraid of what would happen is we left eachothers side.

"You still never answered the question of why.."

I gulped, turning towards the boy. Looking at me in the eyes, he sighed. Putting the remote away and taking out another.

"Well I mean, I guess I can let you guys off the hook for now. You've all done well, you've been very entertaining!"

"Oh cut the bullshit! Are you letting us go or not?" Osamu slammed his fist onto the podium. Giving Nishinoya a death stare. It looks could kill, I'm pretty sure he would be dead by now.

In response to this, Nishinoya smiled back. Taking out the remote more clearly for everyone to see.

"Do you guys know what this is?"


"Thought so, but you really should. After all, it has affected your lives after all"

I tried my best to think back to when a remote could have been used. It was different from the one we had found with Atsumu so it couldn't be that. However, after realising it I gripped onto Tendou's sleeve.

"Is that...what made people faint? The pain transmitter..?"

I thought back to the amount of pain people were in, and how it even led Futakuchi to murder.

"Bingo!" Nishinoya raised his hand up high, indicating I'd gotten it right.

"We turned it off after the first trial, but as it turns out we weren't done with it yet so we had to turn it back on! You have no idea how long it took to get it up and working again! Pretty impressive thing though I must say!"

"Well what are you going to use it for?" Bokuto questioned, tensing up slightly.

"Well, somebody has to get punished. And I figured, why don't we take a trip down memory lane!"

Nishinoya laughed, looking at all our terrified faces. All of us huddling together in hopes that something would get better.

"So I was thinking, why don't we make a deal"

He looked up at the ceiling.

"Now that my identity has been revealed, I can't exactly live. After all that's the promise we all made. But going by that logic, someone else here can't either!"

I felt somebody tug on my sleeve, pulling me closer to them. As I realised what his words entailed.

"So let's make a deal!" He smiled, "die with me y/n-chan! Die with me, and they all go free"

There was silence for a moment, until Kuroo stood in front of me. I couldn't see his face, but his fists were balled up tightly.

"And what if she says no?"

"Well then I guess everyone here would die, fairs fair don't you think?"

I sighed. There was no way of getting out of this, that much I knew. One life for 4, sounds like a fair deal to me.

"Y/n-chan...don't tell me your actually considering it!"

Tendou looked at me with fear and disbelief. I smiled gently holding onto his shoulders.

"Tendou, you and everyone else here have been so nice to me.." I looked around the room at everyone, tears beginning to fill everybody's eyes. "But I betrayed your doesn't matter if you forgive me or not, this is what I want to do"

Bokuto quickly rushed to me, throwing his arms around me asking me not to leave. I let out another sigh, returning the hug as we were joined by everybody else. Tears fillings everybody's eyes.

It may be selfish of me, but I somewhat feel relieved seeing these tears. Knowing that these people genuinely cared for me and will miss me. That's all the reward that I needed.

I think I've lived somewhat of a good life so far. And I hope that as they all get out of here, they can continue to live their lives to the fullest for me.

Slowly but surely, I departed from the hug.

I parted ways from the group. Nodding at Nishinoya,who pressed the button on his remote, pushing the threshold up to maximum. For one final time, I turned to the group before me and gave them a smile.

"Goodbye guys.."

Thank you.

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