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guys writing is a love less than all imagination stored i belive firmly in this..barrister babu is a show with distinct focus on minorities of our population during pre independence era..some truth r harsh still acceptance is mandotary...

in my ff to i wanted to depict what it was to be a girl in 1900s,even among high classy people of their guys i had recived many negative comments in accordance with ff showing a sh*t and to draw views overnight,if i had such wishes very geniunengly i would haven't dared to write this one nor kranti and love depicting education of a young curious's not about bndita but a young bride attired in questions

the track of show is verstaile point after i would continue if u dare for accepting harsh but sad reality or should i stop it..

please know these writings r not illusions but a true fact state in form of storytelling?

if u say to continue next part will be soon coming!

wht u say?

should i stop this ff or delete it or continue?

bondita's teen life osजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें