child marriage act promo!

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There will be an is this time , I got messages to write on this...So will write an os ...Small only here's the promo....

"Mera dil ru pyrr mera tu
Mera jivan ,sansar mera !
Kese khu kya...Lge..Tu.."

"Child marriage act ..A new propaganda or a threaten on indian costumes..As per the recent law ...."
He smiled at his victory ...
"Barrister anirudh bravo man bravo !U did it..Ye toh bs suruwat hein..Age aur bhi..Ek min kya iska ye mtlb nhi..."

"Pati babu..Kya padhte hen itna dhyn phir ."she smiled
"Illegal.."and the paper slips..
"Bondita nikl ye rhe kis adhikar se haveli mein..Malkin thodi na?.."uttered a voice

"Anirudh babu aur bondita ka
Rha benam rishta kisne nirlajj kha ..Kisne krantikari..Ses mein kya skl lega ye rishta?"
"Ye meri....."he was struggling with words while bondita looked with guilt for the answer....

"Smaj ne
Uthaya hei fir rishto pe chinh!
Kya hoga anirudh ka uttar..
Kya mit jyega ye bharosha
Yan fir uthegi ek aur kranti?"

Guys i will write if i get sufficient consent to use my imagination ..And change it dont take negativity..And skip os if u  cant take it...Watch bb on tv lest open the set

bondita's teen life osजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें