Chapter 19

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4 years later...
Starr POV

For four years we haven't seen Destiny every since. We all feel bad, abd I completely regret telling her to get out . The twins and I miss her so much. Deshun he acts like he doesn't give a fuck but I know deep inside he does. Deshun tends to hide his feelings now, I haven't seen him smile in a while.

A quick update for y'all, Deseray and Jesse has a two year old daughter name Majestic. Deseray graduated from college, now she's starting to create her own fashionline and Jesse is an architecture. They had recently moved back down here, and they stay across the street from us.

Benny and Tiny has a 8 month old son name Bernard aka BeBe. Benny recently proposed to Tiny and they're planning on geyting married next year.

Daion (Raylan) is a single father, he has a 2 year old daughter name Arika . She's so beautiful just like her mom who passed away after giving birth to her.

Dequan and April are still together with two children of their own. Two 3 year old twin girls, Makiah and Maleah.

Tierra and Demetruis are still together strong as ever.

My dad and step mom are also together strong as ever.

My babies recently turned 7 years old. My babies are growing up. Kaden claiming he has a little girl her name is Nessa. He says he's in love with her. Kaylah told me and Deshun she had a boyfriend and Deshun whooped her. I was furious so I whoop his ass for hitting my baby.

Baby Emmanuel is now four years old, I swear he looks just like his mama. That's my little snuk emm'

Anyways back to the story. . .
Saturday night ...

Me and Deshun just left dinner, we had a mini date . Because of work, chores at home, taking care of the kids we barely spend time with each other. Deseray and Jesse offered to watch the kids while we go out.

"How's the business going?" Deshun said helping me inside the car.

"It's actually going great, tomorrow I'm supposed to be speaking to a group of females at a high school." I said

"That's good baby. I'm proud of you" he saif kissing my cheek

"How about you? How's school going for you?" I asked

Deshun is going to school for law enforcement, he's studying to become a lawyer. Weird huh? I know because he used to kill people for a living, but he had a few connects to hack the system and clear out his record so he could follow his dreams.

"It's going great, I have a big important test next week. Well I hope you're studying for this important test." I said

"I am." He simply said

We arrived at home no later than 10:30 pm. Deshun helped me out the car abd guided me inside.

"Deshun" i called out his name while he walked into our bedroom.

"Yes?" He yelled

"I want to talk to you" i said

"Come in the room" he said

I walked into the room and he was undressing.

"Babe.... What's wrong with you?" I asked curiously

"What do you mean?" He asked

"Why are you so blunt or you don't show no emotion or smile." I asked

"I'm just stressed out." He said

"No, it's something else that's bothering you" i said

"Are you seeing someone else?" He asked

I looked at him confusingly

He chuckled and shook his head.

"Quit bullshitting Starr, who you been fucking?" He asked while putting on his basketball shorts.

"What are you talking about?" I asked

He went into the closet and grabbed something, he came back into the room and sat on the couch that's at the foot of our bed and placed a gun on his lap.

"Who is he?" He asked

"Deshun I swear I'm not fucking any other dude" i said in complete fear

"Oh yeah? Why I seen ole dude who works at your job-"

"Deshun you got to be completely shitting me! You know I don't like that nigga! Hell to the fucking NO! " i yelled

He went to put the gun up and came back into the room.

"Strip" he said

I follow his commands and took off my clothes.

"Panties off" he said

I slid my thong off of my body and stood there with only my bra on .

He pushed my body on the bed, and smirked at me.

"Ready for child number 4?" He asked

"Deshun remember they said-"

"Fuck what the doctors say! Can't carry a child my ass! " he yelled

Let's just say I'll probably will be expecting Child #4

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