Chapter 2

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|Chapter 2|

A baby is born with a need to be loved -- and never outgrows it.
-Frank A. Clark
A baby will make love stronger, days shorter, nights longer, bankroll smaller, home happier, clothes shabbier, the past forgotten, and the future worth living for.
-Author Unknown
Three Days Later ....

"Baby are you ready to go?" Deshun asked walking out of the restroom

"Yes , did you sign them discharge papers?" I asked while changing Kaylah's diaper

"Yes . Let's go, I'm hungry" he said grabbing Kaiden who was sound asleep in his car seat.

I buckled Kaylah in her car seat and grabbed the twins baby bag.

"Sweetie are you ready?" My favorite nurse said , her name is Ms.Beverly

"Yes ma'am." I said

I sat in the wheel chair and Deshun grabbed the two car seats, while I had their baby bag.


We was now outside by Deshun's car

I got out the wheel chair and helped him buckled them in the car.

"Alright you two, Y'all are going to be great parents. Take care of your family son. You hear?" She said to Deshun

"Yes ma'am, I will"

"Y'all don't hesitant to call me, Starr you already got my number. If you need anything, babysitting, advice, help or anything else. Call me " she said

"Yes ma'am I will."

"Take care , Bye" she said

We waved good bye, I got in the back seat with the twins and Deshun drove home.


We arrived at my house, I got out the car and grabbed Kaiden's seat and his baby bag . Deshun grabbed Kaylah and her baby bag. He unlocked the door and everyone screamed surprise, making the babies jump and they start to cry.

I grabbed Kaiden out the car seat and sat rocking him back to sleep. I walked into my living room, that will full of presents and toys.

"Baby here, I'm finna fix your plate." Deshun said handing me Kaylah.

I walked in the second living room, where everyone was at.

I sat down next to my mom and dad. They grabbed each of my babies from me.

Deshun handed me a plate with some barbeque. I ate a link, and that's all. I put my food in the refrigerator. I sat back down, I looked at the babies and Kaiden was up and being fussy.

"He must be hungry" my dad said

"Yeah, let me go breast feed him" I said grabbing him

I walked into my room and sat down in my bed, I pulled my breast out and Kaiden automatically grabbed it and start sucking on my nipple.

I'm tired, I'm physically drained. Taking care of babies is harder than I thought.

"Bae" Deshun said walking in with Kaylah.

"Hmmp?" I said looking up at him

"It's time to open the presents" he said

"Okay, I'll be down." I sighed

I fixed my clothes and grabbed sleeping Kaiden and walked downstairs.

I sat next to Deshun as my mom and Deshun mom Tierra opened the presents for me. I enjoyed everyone company, but I just want to go to sleep.

After they finished opening the presents, Benny brought in a huge teddy bear and a basket with candy and other stuff in it.

"I'm sorry about what happened in the hospital Starr, forgive me" he said with a puppy dog face

I laughed and got up and hugged him

"It's okay, I forgive you" I said

I kissed his cheek and sat down. He was smiling hard and touching his cheek.

"I just fell in love!" He said jumping around

"Damn gon' shame. " Deshun said shaking his head

"Thank you all for coming, and throwing this beautiful baby shower. I appreciate the love and support throughout my whole pregnancy, I love everyone." I said standing up

"Baby?" Deshun said making me turn around

He was on one knee and a ring in his hand .

He smiled

"Baby, I want to spend the rest of my life with you. This is a new start for us, we have a beautiful family, I'm their father, I don't care what anyone say. I love you so much, you make me complete. You're my rider, my Queen, my baby, my baby mama, my bonnie, my soon to be wife. My EVERYTHING, no one and I mean NO ONE is gonna replace you. I put that on my life, you're the only woman I see myself being with. I promise I won't hurt you, cheat or anything because I'm faithful. Starr Skylar Smith will you marry me?" He asked

"Hell yes !" I said handing Dequan Kaiden.

I jumped on him and attacked him with kisses

"I love you baby" he said putting me down

"I love you more" I said

"You did it son, I'm proud of you" Demetruis said pulling Deshun in a manly hug.

"Take care of my daughter yo" my dad said hugging him

"I will she's my world . " Deshun said

"Oh my god! We're going to have to plan the wedding at-" My mom said

"Mom I don't want a huge wedding." I said

"You don't?" Deshun asked

"No, all that money for a wedding? We have kids to take care of. We can have a reception. I just want to go to the court house to get married and we can have a reception." I said

"She does have a point about the money part" my dad said

"Okay if that's what you want baby, we can do that" My mom said
Look! Imma tell y'all now, the first chapters of the book is going to be boring as hell. But continue to read it! I promise this book is gonna be 10x better than the first one!

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