Chapter 4

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|Chapter 4 |

1 month later
Starr POV

Everything have been going great for the past month. Me and Deshun cousin Lizabeth are very close. She told me she have a son, but nobody knows but me. His name is Labron Edwin Johnson.  He is so adorable, he's 10 months.

Deshun, Deshun took his father spot in the game. Me and him got into a argument about it, because I don't want him to put me and the kids in danger . But we made up, and were on such good terms now. The only thing I hate is that he dropped out of college and spends most of his time at the traps. He gets home around 3 and the kids barely sees him.

Like now, I hear the keys from downstairs. I heard footstep coming upstairs, the door open and closed. I sat up and turned the light on.

"Man, Starr I don't feel like arguing with your ass" he said taking off his clothes.

"Can you-"

"I said I don't want to argue with you! Just shut the fuck up and go to sleep "he yelled

"Who the hell you think you're talking to?" I yelled while getting out the bed.

"Man, go to sleep" he said waving me off

"You need to stop spending most of your fucking time at them traps! " i yelled

"Shutup before you wake up the kids!" He said

"I'm not done talking to you!" I yelled as he got into bed

He turned off the light and laid down.

"You need to stop spending most of your time at the trap ! You aren't doing your responsibility in being a husband!  I feel like a single mother! It's hard getting the kids to your brother house then rush to school, then go back to get them come back home bathe and feed them! It's hard doing it by myself! I don't feel loved anymore, we haven't had sex since prom. I wish you could just come home and spend your time with us Deshun. We miss you" i cried

He sighed and got out the bed and held me.

"I'm sorry baby, this is the lifestyle you have to handle. You have to get used to this babe. I'll try and take some time off and spend time with you." He said picking my up and placing me in the bed. 

He got in the bed and pulled me closer to him. All of the sudden we heard on of the kids cry in their room. I was about to get up my Deshun stopped me.

"I got it get some rest" he said

"In the refrigerator there is a bottle warm-"

"Baby I know I know . Get some rest" he said

I laid my head down on the pillow and instantly fell asleep.


I heard a loud sound making me pop my head up. I heard the kids cry downstairs.  I ran downstairs to see police officers arresting Deshun. I grabbed the kids off the couch and tried to get the police to stop.

"Please let him go. I need my husband " i cried

"Baby I'm sorry. I love you" he said

"You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say or do can and will be held against you in the court of law. You have the right to speak to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you. " They said while hand cuffing him. They lift him up and start to march outside the house.

"Please officer. I need my husband. " i said grabbing one of the officers hand

"Ma'am I'm sorry, we found pounds of drugs in his "trap house" and we've been looking for him for weeks. He killed one of our undercover cops. He could face up to 5-15 years max." He said

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