Part 1

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Saber's POV

I fell on my knees. The dead bodies and swords of my men...They.....Died! All of them! I couldn't save them after all in the end. Tears started to flow down from my eyes. I indeed won. But what could I do with such victory, if no one is alive! How can I live alone all by myself. I fall on the ground my eyes slowly closes.

Saber:'' I am tired....''

And I couldn't remember anything. I slowly open my eyes. The bed was different. It was much more softer. I swiftly got up and saw everything around me.

Maid:'' Madam. You had an accident. You have been asleep for 3 days. Master, Miss, Young master and young miss have been really worried about you.

My head hurt so much.

?????:'' Is my Artoria awake?!''

A young woman came in and hugged me tightly. What in the world?

?????:'' Oh darling you know how much I was worried about you?!''

Saber:'' Who are you? And who is Artoria?''

The woman looked at me with shock, I gave her a questionable look.


?????:'' Whats with the fuse Irisviel? Artoria you okay?''

Saber:'' Excuse me but you have mistaken me for a wrong person! I am King Arthur in short Saber!''

The both looked and each other and burst into laughter.

Irisviel:'' You came up with a good joke!''

Saber:'' Its no joke! I am-''

I stopped when I looked at my reflection on a thing.

?????:" Artoria have you lost your memories?''

Saber:'' I don't understand.''

?????:" Fine then let me introduce myself. I am your biological father Kiritsugu Emiya. This is my wife your mother Irisviel von Einzbern. And you are Artoria Emiya! You are my eldest daughter. You have a young sister and brother. Illya is my 2nd daughter, and Shirou your youngest brother.''

Saber:'' I can't believe this!''

I stepped back.

Irisviel:'' Its okay Artoria you must have had a bad dream. If there is something feel free to talk to mom ok?''

The woman smiled at me. Her smile was warn. I kept my hand on my chest. Maybe God gave me a second chance to live my life without worries. Without killed anyone. Without losing anyone. Now, I have everything I wished for. A family!

Everyone left the room except for Kiritsugu.

Kiritsugu:'' It must be hard to forget things?''

I shook my head.

Saber:'' Kiritugu it sometimes turns out great to not know things!''

The man's eyes widened.

Kiritsugu:'' Yo sure? You are going to use my name? And not call me daddy like before.''

Saber:'' Of course! I cannot call you!''

Kiritsugu:'' Why?!''

I pouted.

Saber:'' Simply because I dont't take you as my father just yet! I will call you. When I feel like! But not now!''

Kiritsugu sighed.

Kiritsuga:'' I thought of giving up my place at the company but seems like not yet. I have to teach you many things.''

He takes out a rectangular thing.

Who are you? ( Saber x Gilgamesh )Where stories live. Discover now