Part 3

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Artoria's Pov,

The thought about it already gives me chills. How can someone possibly do that? Ugh! 

Assistant:'' Miss? Are you having a headache again? Wait.. I'll bring you your medicines!''

I nodded and she left the room. In order to live in this girl's body I have to know all about her. But her memories are somehow restricted to me! Its like.. I can only recover them slowly. Who exactly is this Gilgamesh guy. Why did he do it? Why her? Someone entered the room. 

Artoria:'' Tha-''

Gilgamesh:'' You acted pretty well in front of your father!''

Artoria:'' You?! How did you come in?''

Gilgamesh:'' I was just looking around here you know.. afterall in the future this is going to be ours!''

I slammed on the desk in anger and got up.

Artoria:'' TAKE THAT BACK!''

Gilgamesh smirked.

Gilgamesh:'' You were always so tough like this.. but you are girl after all. Soft..''

I clenched my fist. How dare he! He walks over to me and he comes close to me. I fell on the chair and he kept one hand on the chair leaning forward.

Gilgamesh:'' Its a different case if you satisfy me enough maybe I will consider keeping you by my side after I take over this company.''

He came closer I reached my hand on the desk and grabbed a pen. I swinged it in front of his eyes making him stop.

Artoria:'' Move a bit closer, and I won't hesitate to do it!''

He was surprised.

Gilgamesh:'' So you won't give up so easily!''

He moved back. 

Gilgamesh:'' Than start preparing for the worst!''

Giving me a look one last time he left the office. I sighed. This isn't going to be easy. Earlier.. my life was different. I never had to deal with people this way. Everyone bowed down to me.. respected me... but this guy has no fear in his eyes. And why would he? After all he is an enemy. He wouldn't show his weak side just yet. There is no way he wouldn't have a weak side for him. Everyone one has, and so will he. If a point of time come where I have no choice to be use that weak side of his to protect her and her family, than I will not hesitate to do so. 

The sun has also set and Kiritsugu didn't show up. I had my face on the hands supported by the elbow. I am just annoyed whenever I look at this girl's computer. Why does she even have so many pictures of Gilgamesh. How could she possibly has a crush on a guy like him? That is seriously so stupid. 

Kiritsugu:'' What thoughts have made you so lost that you didn't hear my voice?''

I was stratled.

Artoria:'' Kiritsugu?! When did you enter?''

He sat on the seat in front of me.

Kiritsugu:'' Probably the moment when you were lost in your thoughts?''

I nervously laughed.

Artoria:'' Its nothing.''

Kiritsugu:'' But I am really curious as to how you know Gilgamesh?''


Artoria:'' To be honest, I want to know how I got to know him. You see these..these... little moments keep flooding in my mind from time to time?''

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