Part 5

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STILL CONTINUING WITH THE PAST MEMORIES ( lol, I am sorry it has been ages since I last updates so I bet most of u forgot so I am just gonna mention it, sorry!)


Rider:'' Omg! What is that! I am gonna click its picture! OMG! IS THAT A CRAB?''

Lancer frowned and said in a low voice

Lancer:'' Did she come here to eat or click picture?''



Rider:'' WHO ELSE BUT YOU!''

I grew annoyed and grabbed both of their hairs and slammed them back to their seats.

Artoria:'' Will you mind if I have a proper lunch?''

Both of them pouted.

Lancer:'' Oh by the way! Yo know? Taiga sensei! She is getting married! And hell you will be surprised to know they only spent 1 week dating!''

Artoria:'' No way! How can someone possibly fall in love within 1 week? I don't think even 2 or a month is sufficient to actually fall in love!''

Lancer:'' I know right!!''

Food still stuffed in her mouth. We were so tired from the journey that I fell asleep really early. I woke up around 4 the next morning. And it was still dark. But I could see yellow light over the sea slightly. Sun is soon gonna rise. I found a guy looking for something not far from my tent. Like he dropped something I went up to him and bent. 

Artoria:'' Are you looking for something?''

He was surprised and looked at me, for a second he looked at me then his eyes went normal and his mouth closed which was slightly opened after seeing me

Gilgamesh:'' I dropped my ring.''

Artoria:'' I'll help you look for it! What does it look like?''

Gilgamesh:'' It has silver platting around it the rub is red.''

Artoria:'' Like your eyes?''

I said that without thinking. He looked away. Shit, was I out of line.

Gilgamesh:'' Y-yes..''

I nodded. We searched for like 10 minutes when I found it.

Artoria:'' Is it this one?''

Gilgamesh:'' Yes! thanks a lot!''

Before I could say something his phone rang and he googed away.

Later during breakfast,

Lancer:'' We are out of bread! UH!! Just kill me!''

Rider:'' Didnt I tell you to wake up early? Suits you!''

I felt a tap on my shoulder.

Gilgamesh:'' Artoria?

Artoria:'' You know me?''

He smiled. I asked surprised. Waitttttttt did I tell him my name or something? Am I that famous? Oh of course I am daughter of my father! Yeh! Right!

Gilgamesh:'' Of course I do.''

I felt my cheeks grow warmer.

Gilgamesh:'' Thanks for the morning.''

Rider:'' WHo is this weird dude?''

I gestured her to shut up

Artoria:'' It was nothing! I am glad I was of help!''

Gilgamesh:'' Have you been to the island before?''

Artoria:'' No I haven't its just a trip so..''

Someone bumped me from behind I was going to fall when I felt him grab me at the right moment. His hands were warm. I stood back in my position and thanked him.

I don't remember till how long we walked along the beach and talked. It was like my ears were blessed to hear his voice. My heart raced whenever I was near him. This went for almost 2 weeks. Us meeting each other in evening or morning having a long chats and all. Of course Rider didnt like, Gilgamesh because she thought he was keeping me away from her and breaking our friendship. I sighed. It was night and everyone went back to their camps. It was bit cold and I felt Gilgamesh offering his jacket when I refused he kept it around my shoulders. I just smiled to myself and looked up in the sky. 

Gilgamesh:'' its pretty right?''

I just nodded. I felt him staring at me but I just kept my eyes on the stars feeling a bit shy. I felt my cheeks warmer. Damn! Am I blushing again.

Artoria:'' Gilgam-''

My words were cut but his lines which left me speechless.

Gilgamesh:'' I like you!''

His lips pressed mine. I felt its pleasure and softness. I kissed him back. Our lips separated... the only thing I see was a smirk..

Gilgamesh:'' You lost!''

For a second I didn't get what he meant but the next moment. When his hands were between my cheeks and my hairs his smirk was still there and I could see flashes around me. I thought I was going to go blind for a second there. I covered my eyes hearing laughing and giggling. What the hell is happening? When I looked up I could see him standing in front of me his red eyes flashing. His expression looked like that of a devil who just found his prey. I had so many questions in my mind. But my words wouldn't come out. Was.. I? No... he can't... was I toyed around? 

The leader of the blue diamond college smiles and comes to me

Leader:'' Whats wrong little princess? Are you gonna cry? I remember over hearing our little princess here saying she would never fall in love so easily! Not just with anyone and that also within 2 weeks! damn! You betrayed your own words!''

So.. all this..?

Gilgamesh:'' Just a bet they made with me. Afterall I had nothing to lose. I might as well tried to have fun and play with you.!''

A bet..? Was I an item?? that they bet on? I heard footsteps running our direction Rider grabbed my elbow and hugged me. Lancer stood in front of us in defensive manner.

Rider:'' Are you oka?''

I felt like the world should just open up and eat me. I felt tears roll down my eyes. Why..? 

Artoria:'' Lets go back I don't feel good!''

All three of us made our way back,

Lancer:'' Hey! Artoria? Do you want me to kick their ass? Those fucke-''

Rider glared at him for swearing. Silence was the only thing between us. 

Artoria:'' leave me alone.. it was all my fault afterall.''

I just went ahead and went inside my tent. I broke down in tears and threw his jacket away.



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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2021 ⏰

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