Chapter 9-Ed

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Read the A/N at the end of the chapter....

I awoke to find myself engulfed in the smell of perfume. moved my hands quickly fining out that they were chained to the shiny marble floor. I looked around finally deciding that it was a ballroom. A chandelier hung high above me sending the room into a heavenly glow, and rows of seats sat high around me... Soft music played from a recorder across the room.

"your right, it is a ballroom... came a female voice. I turned to see a young women stand a few meters away from me. Her blonde hair reached the bottom of her back, her electric blue eyes gazed at me, a look of peace and happiness filled them. She wore a white dress, netting stretched over her shoulders and down her arms.

"how did you know what i was thinking" I asked.
She giggled and spoke again "its a trick i can do...i can read minds and im telekinetic" she told him.
"want me to show you?" she asked.
I thought for a moment before nodding.

I gasped as pain engulfed me, bells began ringing in my ear. I squirmed as the pain attacked my body. I suddenly heard screaming, a female was screaming and shouting.
I relaxed as the pain went away, and the woman lowered her hand.
"pretty cool hu'h.." she asked. I nodded catching my breath...

"i need to ask...who are you..." i questioned. She laughed and looked at me. she turned her back and began to pull down her right sleeve of her dress...It dropped to the bottom of her back showing the sign of the humnculus. "Im the special one, im the one that they say is different..." she pulled her sleeve back up and faced me again...

"Edward, its about time you learned the truth...See, my father, he asked me to do something once i was made. He asked me to give a women a banquet of roses, and i did. I gave them to her. When she asked who they were from, i told her the truth and said that they were from a man with long blonde hair who was a father...She seemed over joyed, and i never thought anything about it..that was until Envy told she she had died, and that her 2 sons had committed the ultimate taboo of alchemy...
Yes Edward, im the one that made sure your mother was dead..." She began sobbing, and sunk to her knees.. " sorry" she cried covering her face in her hands.

I studied her for a second, allowing her to cry. I then sighed and answered her "I dont blame you...I really dont...i guess you must have had your reason..." i said shifting so that i was sitting cross-legged.

She stared at me, tear stains sat on her cheeks. "If you dont care, then dance with me..." she said standing up. I stared at her in disbelief.
She walked over and unchained my. I stood and took her hand. we waltzed around the room, her dress trailing the floor.

"this is my favorite room..." she said "It reminds me of a memory i have..but i cant remember it because its been locked away by father."
Suddenly the recorder became jammed, and the same 2 notes of the opera woman was played over and over again...the metal clicking making the room suddenly feel smaller and less safe.
I looked at the girl to find her staring at me "Edward im sorry, but i cant let you live knowing that you know i sorry..." she said quietly raising her hand.

The pain engulfed me once more, and i fell to my knees. The bells began to ring again, and the sound of the women screaming joined in with the chimes, creating a song played by Lucifer in hell.

My eyes became blurry as the door to the girls right burst open. Al and Mustang charged in, each of them looking as angry as the other.

"Amy leave him alone now!" roared mustang.
She dropped her hand allowing me to breath, and laughed. "you really thing i dont have backup?" she cackled. She raised both her arms at shoulder length, and Greed, pride, gluttony and lust jumped down from the ceiling.. "If it's a fight you want, then it's a fight you will get." she screamed throwing her hands towards Al and Mustang, a cloud of rubble and objects hurdled towards them...
This was going to be gruesome...


I loved writing this chapter! it was so fun and i had so many idea!!!

So, anyway, the banner is a picture of the dress Amy is wearing, and just to let yous all took me ages to find that dress! Because i had the perfect dress in my mind the minute i thought of this chapter. so ye....

Anyway, im in a good mood.
However i am only going to upload one chapter tonight, due to the fact that the fight chapter (which is next) will be quite long...
and im hoping it will be really good, because as i write this A/N, ideas are bouncing off my head, so im going to go and write them down for tomorrow when i write the chapter on here...


Hannah xx

ps- do we need to address the spelling??? no i thought not.....  haha

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