Secrets are Kept

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Bruce's POV

I ran a full reboot just in case it was a glitch, but the results came up the same. The results showed no DNA pieces anywhere in their blood. Usually in the blood you can see mini pieces of DNA floating around in the form of white blood cells, but there was no trace of DNA anywhere. Of course there was still white blood cells but, no DNA. There also is the mystery of how their blood is gold as well. Then in a flash the results changed and DNA appeared. I looked at the blood sample and saw that it was still golden.

I took it off the scanner and followed the rest of the Avengers outside to talk, leaving the Royals in the Infirmary with Hawkeye. " I don't like this, something smells fishy (fishy get it? no? ,I'll go now)" Cap spoke up. Black Widow narrowed her eyes and said " their hiding something, I know it". Before anyone can say any more Friday piped up " Directer Fury is here with Mr.Wilson and Mr.Barnes with him"(I realized I forgot them so Here they are).

Sure enough as soon as Friday told us the elevator doors opened and out walked Nick Fury with Sam and Bucky behind him. "The Royals here yet?" Nick said immediately. We all nodded in conformation. "I don't like them Fury, I mean SHIELD has nothing on them other than that their Royal and their blood is gold." Natasha stated "Your hiding something Fury".Fury sighed then said "You will find out everything when I want you to find out". He then marched to the infirmary and closed the doors.

We all looked at Sam and Bucky for answers. "We don't know anything on them" Sam replied to our silent questioning.Everyone just started chatting to themselves after that answer. I took out the vial of blood and looked at it again trying to figure it out. It just didn't make sense, and something is off about the Royals also. There's also the fact that they appeared out of nowhere and no one knows anything about them. Most royals are well known and are coveted by media and paparazzi. But these royals haven't shown up on any news article or Tv show at all.

Also they have no information in the databases, it's almost like they don't exist. It's weird. I snapped out of my thoughts at the sound of the infirmary doors opening. Fury stormed out and headed for the elevator, went in it and pressed the button. Once the doors closed we went back into the infirmary. They were in the same positions as we left them, only they looked agaitated. Percy was crossing his arms and had a scowl on his face.

Crystal looked indifferent and bored. They turned their eyes as soon as they heard us enter, they went back to what they were doing. I did the rest of the checkup then showed them to their rooms. As soon as they closed their doors i went back to the main room. The other avengers were laying around the living room. "There is something odd about them besides the fact that their blood is gold" said Tony as he looked around the room. Clint looked nervous and looked away. He knew something.

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